Polish Representative Broadcasts on United Nations Radio Programme 
12/2/1947 4:57:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7693089 
United States Representatives John Foster Dulles Broadcasts on United Nations Radio Programme 
11/11/1947 8:47:40 PM 
Unique ID UN7445791 
United Nations Calling the Peoples of the World 
1/1/1947 8:50:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7445719 
United Nations Calling the Peoples of the World 
1/1/1947 8:47:42 PM 
Unique ID UN7445790 
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Unique ID UN7479903 
Austrian Representative Broadcasts over UN Radio 
6/21/1956 10:27:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7745150 
""We Saw Tomorrow"", a New U.N. Radio Programme 
6/8/1953 2:03:03 PM 
Unique ID UN7693050 
United Nations Broadcasts 
3/28/1973 12:40:36 PM 
Unique ID UN7670740 
Radio Facilities at United Nations Headquarters 
5/5/1955 11:42:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7670788 
Broadcast Recording at U.N. Headquarters 
5/23/1952 1:57:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7693049 
Radio Facilities at U.N. Headquarters 
6/1/1957 11:18:39 AM 
Unique ID UN7693065 
United Nations Broadcasts 
2/1/1970 12:55:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7670734 
Over U.N. Radio 
10/23/1950 8:30:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7479332 
General Assembly of the United Nations 
11/18/1946 6:20:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7557260 
Radio and Television Facilities at U.N. Headquarters 
5/5/1955 11:59:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7670790 
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Unique ID UN7586111 
United Nations Radio Chinese Program 
11/5/1947 11:51:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7519709 
Over UN Radio 
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Unique ID UN7770188 
Asian Broadcasters on Fact-Finding Tour of Asia 
1/1/1960 12:56:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7693079 
Daily Shortwave Radio Service Inaugurated at UN Headquarters 
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Unique ID UN7693028 
Headline Polish Representative Broadcasts on United Nations Radio Programme 
Caption Description Dr. Oscar Lange, Polish Representative to the United Nations and Vice-Chairman of his country’s delegation to the Second Session of the General Assembly, at microphone during a recording rebroadcast on a programme prepared by the United Nations Department of Public Information and beamed to Poland. 
Unique Identifier UN7519584 
NICA ID 324342 
Production Date 12/03/1947 6:25:18 PM 
City/Location New York