Press Conference Northern Central America and Mexico
Press Conference on Migration in Northern Central America and Mexico 
12/10/2018 3:51:34 PM 
Unique ID UN771428 
Press Conference Northern Central America and Mexico
Press Conference on Migration in Northern Central America and Mexico 
12/10/2018 3:46:38 PM 
Unique ID UN771426 
Press Conference Northern Central America and Mexico
Press Conference on Migration in Northern Central America and Mexico 
12/10/2018 3:46:01 PM 
Unique ID UN771425 
Sec Gen Bilat with Foreign Minister of Mexico
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 6:01:14 AM 
Unique ID UN771361 
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 9:04:35 AM 
Unique ID UN771345 
Global Compact for migration
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 10:26:00 AM 
Unique ID UN771492 
conference scenes
Scene from Marrakech, Morocco 
12/8/2018 7:25:31 AM 
Unique ID UN771236 
conference scenes
Scene from Marrakech, Morocco 
12/8/2018 9:54:30 AM 
Unique ID UN771246 
conference scenes
Scene from Conference on Global Compact on Migration 
12/8/2018 10:13:40 AM 
Unique ID UN771243 
conference scenes
Scene from Conference on Global Compact on Migration 
12/8/2018 7:34:39 AM 
Unique ID UN771241 
Press Conference Closing Event
Closing Ceremony of Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/11/2018 7:29:18 PM 
Unique ID UN758315 
General Assembly - Plenary Hall
Scene at Conference on Global Compact on Migration 
12/11/2018 10:25:21 AM 
Unique ID UN771831 
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 9:16:49 AM 
Unique ID UN771349 
Sec Gen Bilat with President of Panama
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 6:38:10 AM 
Unique ID UN771364 
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 8:52:21 AM 
Unique ID UN771343 
Opeing of Global compact for Migration conference
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 3:40:25 AM 
Unique ID UN771339 
Global Compact for migration
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 10:10:36 AM 
Unique ID UN771385 
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 9:09:39 AM 
Unique ID UN771348 
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 9:08:59 AM 
Unique ID UN771347 
Opening Ceremony - Plenary
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration 
12/10/2018 11:13:22 AM 
Unique ID UN771354 
Headline Press Conference on Migration in Northern Central America and Mexico 
Caption Description Carlos Castaneda, Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, speaks at the press conference on ""Migration and sustainable development in Northern Central America and Mexico: a regional strategy to implement the Global Compact"" during the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The Conference, taking place in Marrakech, Morocco, 10-11 December, was convened under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly. 
Unique Identifier UN771429 
NICA ID 789973 
Production Date 12/10/2018 3:53:46 PM 
City/Location Marrakesh
Country Morocco