Secretary-General meeting with Special Representative on Climate Change, Government of China
Secretary-General Meets Special Representative on Climate Change 
12/5/2015 12:59:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7188217 
Secretary-General Meets Special Representative on Climate Change, People’s Republic of China.
Secretary-General Meets Special Representative on Climate Change 
6/29/2015 12:47:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7201101 
SG Meeting Special Representative on Climate Change of China
Secretary-General Meets Climate Representative of China 
12/10/2015 5:46:03 AM 
Unique ID UN7188799 
SG Meeting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
Secretary-General Meets Climate Representative of China at COP21 
12/11/2015 5:32:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7189103 
Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson (right) meets with Xie Zhenhua (left), China's Special Representative on Climate Change (CCST)
Deputy Secretary-General Meets China's Special Representative on Climate Change 
3/30/2016 2:32:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7181268 
Secretary-General Meets Special Representative for Climate Change Affairs of China at COP24 
12/12/2018 11:30:43 AM 
Unique ID UN758627 
SG Meeting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
Secretary-General Meets Climate Representative of China at COP21 
12/11/2015 5:31:05 AM 
Unique ID UN7189106 
SG Meeting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
Secretary-General Meets Climate Representative of China at COP21 
12/11/2015 5:30:59 AM 
Unique ID UN7189104 
SG with H.E. Mr. Xie Zhenhua
Secretary-General Meets Climate Representative of China 
11/16/2016 7:12:29 AM 
Unique ID UN7130530 
Secretary-General Meets with China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change 
10/17/2023 5:07:16 AM 
Unique ID UN71008502 
Meeting Vice Chairman of of the NAtional Development and Reform Commission
Secretary-General Meets Vice Chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission 
12/9/2014 11:08:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7243032 
Meeting Vice Chairman of of the NAtional Development and Reform Commission
Secretary-General Meets Vice Chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission 
12/9/2014 11:09:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7243033 
Secretary-General meeting with Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Government of China.
Secretary-General Meets Vice-Chair of National Development and Reform Commission of China 
5/4/2014 3:47:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7259468 
Secretary-General meeting with Chairman of MASDAR and Special Envoy on Climate Change, United Arab Emirates.
Secretary-General Meets UAE Climate Envoy in Paris 
12/7/2015 3:58:40 AM 
Unique ID UN7188295 
SG Meeting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
Secretary-General Meets with Senior Advisors during COP21 
12/11/2015 5:25:55 AM 
Unique ID UN7189105 
sg with H.E. Mr. Zhenhua Xie, Vice-Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission of China
Secretary-General Meets Vice-Chair of National Development and Reform Commission of China 
11/19/2013 6:40:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7271638 
Secretary-General Meets Special Envoy on Cities and Climate Change.
Secretary-General Meets UN Envoy for Cities and Climate Change 
12/4/2015 11:02:56 AM 
Unique ID UN7188094 
Secretary-General Meets Special Envoy on Cities and Climate Change.
Secretary-General Meets UN Envoy for Cities and Climate Change 
12/4/2015 11:01:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7188096 
Secretary-General Meets Vice Chair of China Development Commission at Cancun Summit 
12/8/2010 12:37:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7431266 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon attends Special Session on Climate Change
Secretary-General Attends Special Session on Climate Change 
11/27/2015 10:49:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7218525 
Headline Secretary-General Meets Special Representative on Climate Change 
Caption Description Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Xie Zhenhua, Special Representative on Climate Change. 
Unique Identifier UN7188218 
NICA ID 655797 
Production Date 12/05/2015 12:58:25 PM 
City/Location Paris
Country France