Meeting with Leaders of Kurdistan Regional Government
Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders 
3/26/2016 5:39:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7180830 
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Visits Meeting Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government
Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders 
3/26/2016 5:17:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7180849 
Arrival SG is Greeted by Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government
Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders, Erbil 
3/26/2016 5:16:21 PM 
Unique ID UN7180832 
Photo op with UN World bank President of Kuk rdistan Regional Government Islamic development bank  and world bank
Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders 
3/26/2016 5:40:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7180842 
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Visits Meeting Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government
Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders 
3/26/2016 5:18:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7180840 
Secretary-General meeting with President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Secretary-General Meets President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region 
7/24/2014 10:34:01 AM 
Unique ID UN7255479 
Secretary-General meeting with President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Secretary-General Meets President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region 
7/24/2014 10:32:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7255443 
Secretary-General meeting with President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Secretary-General Meets President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region 
7/24/2014 10:37:01 AM 
Unique ID UN7255478 
Secretary-General meeting with President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Secretary-General Meets President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region 
7/24/2014 11:35:31 AM 
Unique ID UN7255444 
Secretary-General meeting with H. E. Mr. President of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Secretary-General Meets President of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq 
1/14/2014 5:20:50 AM 
Unique ID UN7277105 
Secretary-General meeting with H. E. Mr. President of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Secretary-General Meets with President of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq 
1/14/2014 5:20:08 AM 
Unique ID UN7277103 
Secretary-General meeting with President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Secretary-General Meets President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region 
7/24/2014 11:36:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7255480 
Syrian Refuges hoping to see the Sg at is visit to an informal tent settlement Syrian refugees in the Beka'a Valley
Secretary-General Arrives in Baghdad, Iraq 
3/26/2016 10:16:57 AM 
Unique ID UN7180836 
Telephone call with H.E. Mr. Masoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Regional Government [Presidential Terminal, BIAP]
Secretary-General Speaks With President of Kurdistan Regional Government 
3/30/2015 7:35:52 AM 
Unique ID UN7219670 
SG in Iraq
Secretary-General Meets with Prime Minister of Kurdistan 
1/14/2014 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7277116 
Secretary-General Meets Prime Minister of Lebanon 
3/24/2016 4:30:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7180693 
Secretary-General arrives in Erbil.
Secretary-General Meets with Prime Minister of Kurdistan 
1/14/2014 2:42:34 AM 
Unique ID UN7277101 
group photo after Joint press conference after Meeting PM of Iraq
Secretary-General Joins Joint Press Conference from Baghdad, Iraq 
3/26/2016 12:44:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7180835 
Joint press conference after Meeting PM of Iraq
Secretary-General Joins Joint Press Conference from Baghdad, Iraq 
3/26/2016 12:21:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7180827 
Joint press conference with Dr. Kim, President of the World Bank an Dr. Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank
Secretary-General Briefs Press with World Bank and IDB Presidents 
3/25/2016 6:08:18 PM 
Unique ID UN7180796 
Headline Secretary-General Meets Kurdistan Regional Government Leaders 
Caption Description Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (third from left) meets with Masoud Barzani (third from right), President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and Nechirvan Barzani (fourth from right, partially visible), Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government. Mr. Ban is flanked by Jim Yong Kim (left), President of the World Bank Group, and Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, President of the Islamic Development Bank. 
Unique Identifier UN7180829 
NICA ID 668881 
Production Date 03/26/2016 5:41:57 PM 
Country Iraq