GAP with H.E. Mr. Giulio Terzi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Italy
General Assembly President Meets Italian Foreign Minister 
5/22/2012 5:09:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7324143 
Opening Segment of the General Assembly Thematic Debate “Security in Central America as a Regional and Global Challenge: How to Promote and Implement the Central American Security Strategy”
Assembly Debates Security Strategy for Central America 
5/16/2012 10:08:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7323418 
Opening Segment of the General Assembly Thematic Debate “Security in Central America as a Regional and Global Challenge: How to Promote and Implement the Central American Security Strategy”
Assembly Debates Security Strategy for Central America 
5/16/2012 10:16:20 AM 
Unique ID UN7323420 
PGA Meeting with H.E. Mr. Batbold Sukhbaarar, Prime Minister of Mongolia
General Assembly President Meets Prime Minister of Mongolia 
10/27/2011 6:01:38 PM 
Unique ID UN7346302 

PGA meets deputy prime minister of Luxembourg
General Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Luxembourg 
2/7/2012 3:26:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7357174 
PGA with Mr. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Foreign Minister of Cuba.
Genera Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Cuba 
9/24/2011 11:54:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7342232 
      PGA meeting FM of Romania
Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Romania 
9/21/2011 4:26:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7340062 
PGA with Antonio Patriota, Foreign Minister of Brazil
General Assembly President Meets Brazilian Foreign Minister 
9/24/2011 1:02:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7342235 
PGA meets with H.E. Mr.Urmas Paet, Foreign Minister of Estonia.
Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Estonia 
7/30/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7331449 
PGA meets with Turkish FM
General Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Turkey 
9/26/2011 10:07:12 AM 
Unique ID UN7342437 
GAP meeting with the Sen. Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy accompanied by the Foreign Minister
General Assembly President Meets Prime Minister of Italy 
2/10/2012 6:55:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7357858 
PGA meets with President of Panama.
General Assembly President Meets President of Panama 
5/17/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7323750 
PGA Meeting
General Assembly President Meets President of Palestinian National Authority 
9/20/2011 2:45:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7339126 
PGA meeting with H.E. Ms. Trinidad Jimenez Garcia-Herrera, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain
Genera Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Spain 
9/24/2011 1:33:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7342236 
PGA Meeting
General Assembly President Meets Former Governor of California 
9/20/2011 1:37:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7339124 
      PGA meeting FM of Romania
General Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Romania 
9/21/2011 4:25:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7340061 
PGA  Meeting H.E. Mr. Mohamed Mouldi Kefi, MFA of Tunisia
Geenral Assembly President Meets Foerign Minister of Tunisia 
9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7340127 
 PGA meeting  PM of Timor-Leste
General Assembly President Meets Prime Minister of Timor-Leste 
9/21/2011 4:49:29 PM 
Unique ID UN7340064 
Opening Segment of the General Assembly Thematic Debate “Security in Central America as a Regional and Global Challenge: How to Promote and Implement the Central American Security Strategy”
Assembly Debates Security Strategy for Central America 
5/16/2012 10:07:12 AM 
Unique ID UN7323417 
PGA meeting with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar
General Assembly President Meets Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs 
5/23/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7324146 
Headline General Assembly President Meets Italian Justice Minister 
Caption Description Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser (left), President of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly, meets with Paola Severino Di Benedetto, Minister of Justice of Italy. 
Unique Identifier UN7324196 
NICA ID 514729 
Production Date 05/16/2012 11:10:12 AM 
City/Location New York