PGA Meets President of Slovakia
General Assembly President Meets President of Slovakia 
9/25/2013 9:58:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7283148 
President of Slovakia Addresses the 67th General Assembly Session
Slovak President Addresses General Assembly 
9/25/2012 6:09:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7336728 
68th General Assembly, General Debate
Slovak President of Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2013 1:15:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7282568 
HS of Senegal M.Sall
Assembly President Meets President of Senegal 
9/26/2012 6:57:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7317538 
Secretary-General Meets President of Slovakia 
9/25/2007 12:21:52 PM 
Unique ID UN7705881 
PGA meets HS of Namibia
Assembly President Meets President of Namibia 
9/25/2012 4:21:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7336708 
Secretary-General Meets President of Slovakia 
1/27/2008 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7668724 
PGA meeting with HS of Indonesia S.B. Yudoyono.
Assembly President Meets President of Indonesia 
9/26/2012 9:04:43 AM 
Unique ID UN7365173 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meeting with H.E. Mr. Ivan Gašparovič, President of Slovakia.
Secretary-General Meets President of Slovakia 
9/24/2012 10:56:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7335932 
President of Slovakia Addresses General Assembly 
9/23/2010 4:20:38 PM 
Unique ID UN7413964 
Photo Opportunity:  The Secretary-General with H.E. Mr. Ivan Gašparovic, President of the Slovak Republic
Secretary-General Meets Slovak President 
9/25/2013 3:02:18 PM 
Unique ID UN7283478 
Delegation of Slovakia Attends Fifty-Ninth Session of the General Assembly 
9/21/2004 3:20:18 PM 
Unique ID UN7780193 
President of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly meets with HS of Maldives
General Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Maldives 
9/28/2012 1:08:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7318842 
Geneva ceremony with Pdt Slovakia and UNOG DG
Slovak President Gifts Artwork to UN Headquarters in Geneva 
9/11/2012 4:49:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7334350 
PGA meeting with H.E. Mr. Andrej Kiska president Slovakia
Assembly President Meets Slovak President 
9/25/2014 11:00:14 AM 
Unique ID UN7231950 
Geneva ceremony with Pdt Slovakia and UNOG DG
Slovak President Gifts Artwork to UN Headquarters in Geneva 
9/11/2012 4:42:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7334351 
PGa Meets HS of Cyprus
General Assembly President Meets President of Cyprus 
9/25/2012 5:29:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7336704 
9/23/2004 10:12:26 AM 
Unique ID UN7767286 
PGA Meets HS of Gabon
General Assembly President Meets President of Gabon 
9/25/2012 6:00:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7336706 
President of Slovakia Addresses Fifty-Ninth Session of General Assembly 
9/21/2004 4:12:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7780143 
Headline General Assembly President Meets Slovak President 
Caption Description Vuk Jeremic (right), President of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly, meets with Ivan Gašparovic, President of the Slovak Republic. 
Unique Identifier UN7317541 
NICA ID 528495 
Production Date 09/26/2012 6:14:02 PM 
City/Location New York