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Deputy Secretary-General Meets Data Revolution Advisory Group
Caption Description
Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson (centre, seated) meets with the Secretary-General's Independent Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. The Group was established on 29 August 2014 to provide recommendations on measures that need to be taken to close data gaps and to strengthen national statistical capacities.
Seated left to right: Robert Kirkpatrick, Director of the UN Global Pulse; Katell Le Goulven, Chief of Policy Planning at UNICEF; Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Claire Melamed, IAEG Secretary and Director of Growth, Poverty and Inequality at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI); Mr. Eliasson; Enrico Giovannini, IEAG Co-Chair and Professor of Economics and Statistics at University Tor Vergata; Amina J. Mohammed, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning; Carmen Barroso, Regional Director of International Planned Parenthood Federation for the Western Hemisphere Region; and Sandy Pentland, Toshiba Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founder and director of the Human Dynamics group and the Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program.
Standing left to right: Wayne Smith, Chief Statistician at Statistics Canada; Eva Jespersen, Deputy Director of the Human Development Report Office at UNDP; Edilberto Loaiza, Senior Adviser for Monitoring and Evaluation at UNFPA; Fu Haishan, Director of the Development Data Group at the World Bank; Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs in the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); Nicolas de Cordes, Vice President of Marketing Vision at Orange France Telecom Group; Pali Lehohla, Statistician-General for Statistics South Africa; Gabriella Vukovich, President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and Acting Chair of the 45th Session of the UN Statistical Commission; Johannes P. Jütting, Manager of the PARIS21 Secretariat for OECD's Development Co-operation Directorate; Robert Chen, Director and Senior Research Scientist at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) within the Earth Institute at Columbia University; Shaida Badiee, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Open Data Watch; and Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape, President of the Board of Governors of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico.
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Production Date
09/25/2014 4:09:06 PM
New York
United States of America
UN Photo/Kim Haughton