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Coalition Partners Brief Security Council on Situation in Iraq Calling for Steeped Up International Involvement, Enhanced Security
8/21/2003 10:43:50 AM
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Coalition Partners Brief Security Council on Situation in Iraq Calling for Steeped Up International Involvement, Enhanced Security
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Members of the Security Council could best honour the legacy of those who died on Tuesday as a result of the suicide bombing that demolished the United Nations complex in Baghdad with a sustained and unwavering commitment to build a better Iraq, the representative of the United States told the Council as it considered the situation between Iraq and Kuwait. Briefing the Council on developments in Iraq, he said he had looked forward to report on progress made in Iraq, but today, ""our step is a bit slower and our smile a bit forced"" as the Council began to come to grips with the loss of Sergio Vieira de Mello and other United Nations staff who perished on Tuesday. One could surmise that the motive of the perpetrators was to restore the reign of Saddam and terrify those who wish to work to build a free and democratic Iraq; to prevent the emergence of a new Iraq whose people lived at peace; and to threaten the foundation carefully laid since Iraq's liberation. The timing of Tuesday's attack was no accident, as it occurred when measures were beginning to have a positive effect.
A wide view of the Council at today's meeting.
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Production Date
08/21/2003 10:47:50 AM
New York
United States of America
UN Photo/Mark Garten