Press Conference on Conflict Prevention 
9/6/2006 11:26:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7721019 
Secretary-General Meets Chairperson of Advisory Committee on Prevention of Genocide 
11/1/2006 1:02:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7707748 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:10:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7297150 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:07:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7297147 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:04:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7297152 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:08:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7297148 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:26:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7297151 
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention in Honour of David Hamburg
Andrew Carnegie Distinguished Lecture on Conflict Prevention 
5/1/2013 5:21:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7297149 
Youth and migration
Secretary-General Meets Chair of Disarmament Advisory Board 
10/21/2013 4:32:35 PM 
Unique ID UN7287704 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon signs city of Hamburg Golden Book
Secretary-General Signs City of Hamburg's Golden Book 
10/7/2016 2:19:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7124107 
SG with chair of SG's Advisory board on Disarmament
Secretary-General Meets Chair of Advisory Board on Disarmament 
10/16/2014 10:59:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7235527 
SG meets Professor Mely Caballero Anthony (Chair, Advisory Board on Disarmament
Secretary-General Meets Chair of Advisory Board on Disarmament 
10/24/2016 12:15:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7126892 
Secretary-General Meets Chair of UN Advisory Board on Disarmament 
10/22/2010 1:03:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7418277 
Secretary-General Marks Anniversary of 1994 Rwanda Genocide 
4/9/2007 4:21:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7719029 
Secretary-General Meets Chair of Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions 
1/28/2020 2:23:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7835424 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrives at Hamburg City Hall
Secretary-General Arrives at Hamburg City Hall 
10/7/2016 1:41:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7124117 
SG meets with Mayor of the City of Hamburg
Secretary-General Departs from City of Hamburg 
10/7/2016 4:36:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7124181 
Secretary-General Meets Chair of Advisory Board on Disarmament 
2/24/2010 1:50:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7402278 
Secretary-General meeting The Independent Expert Advisory Group
Secretary-General Meets Co-Chair of Data Revolution Advisory Group 
9/30/2014 11:31:53 AM 
Unique ID UN7233599 
Secretary-General Marks Annivesary of 1994 Rwanda Genocide 
4/9/2007 4:18:09 PM 
Unique ID UN7719028 
Headline Secretary-General Meets Chair of Committee on Genocide Prevention 
Caption Description United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets David Hamburg, Chair of the Advisory Committee to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. 
Unique Identifier UN7714229 
NICA ID 137749 
Production Date 01/19/2007 4:31:53 PM 
City/Location New York

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