Secretary-General Reviews United Nations Troops at UNAVEM III Headquarters 
3/25/1997 3:44:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7677113 
Special Session of the Joint Commission 
3/24/1997 4:41:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7677038 
Secretary-General Visits Angola 
3/25/1997 4:43:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7677037 
United Nations Angola Verification Mission III 
12/7/1996 10:04:15 AM 
Unique ID UN7691242 
United Nations Angola Verification Mission 
6/3/1996 3:56:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7677116 
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Addresses Staff at UNAVEM III in Angola 
3/25/1997 3:50:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7677115 
Brazilian Troops on Parade in Angola 
3/15/1997 12:29:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7686474 
Press Conference by Special Representative for Angola 
12/8/1994 10:04:33 AM 
Unique ID UN7691246 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 10:06:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7691240 
Deputy Secretary-General Addresses Peace Ambassadors Memorial Ceremony 
6/26/2008 11:00:49 AM 
Unique ID UN7679586 
Deputy Secretary-General Addresses Peace Ambassadors Memorial Ceremony 
6/26/2008 11:22:14 AM 
Unique ID UN7679585 
Secretary-General's Special Representative for Angola Holds Press Conference 
6/9/1995 4:40:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7677039 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 4:44:38 PM 
Unique ID UN7677034 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 10:10:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7691239 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 4:39:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7677035 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 4:43:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7691241 
Security Council Observes Moment of Silence 
6/29/1998 4:07:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7677118 
Signing of Lusaka Protocol by Government of Angola and UNITA 
11/20/1994 4:42:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7677036 
Secretary-General Visits Angola 
3/25/1997 10:09:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7691244 
Secretary-General Visits Angola 
4/24/1997 3:47:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7677114 
Headline Secretary-General Visits Angola 
Caption Description Secretary-General Kofi Annan (right) greets Alioune Blondin Beye, his Special Representative for Angola, at an official reception in UNAVEM III Headquarters. 
Unique Identifier UN7691245 
NICA ID 165833 
Production Date 03/23/1997 5:02:30 PM 
City/Location Luanda
Country Angola

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