UNAIDS Global AIDS Update
UNAIDS Executive Director Guest at Noon Briefing 
7/23/2019 12:27:37 PM 
Unique ID UN734039 
Executive Director of UNAIDS Briefs Press on Annual UNAIDS Global Aids Update Report 
7/6/2020 1:42:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7867777 
UNAIDS Director Briefs Press on Launch of World AIDS Day Report 
11/26/2019 12:36:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7843580 
Press Briefing on Global AIDS Update 2023 
7/13/2023 12:27:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7993517 
Press Briefing on Global AIDS Update 2023 
7/13/2023 12:30:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7993520 
Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Holds Press Conference 
7/2/1999 1:18:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7684294 
NoonBriefing  Guest: Ms. Cristiana Pasca Palmer, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Executive Secretary of Convention on Biological Diversity Guest at Noon Briefing 
7/16/2018 12:21:20 PM 
Unique ID UN789920 
Executive Director of Stop TB Partnership Briefs Press on Global Impact of Tuberculosis 
5/4/2023 12:31:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7984503 
Noon Briefing Guest:  Director of UNAIDS
Press Briefing by UNAIDS Director 
12/1/2014 12:27:12 PM 
Unique ID UN7241640 
Office of Legal Affairs (OLA
Chief of Treaty Section of OLA Guest at Noon Briefing 
9/20/2019 12:40:22 PM 
Unique ID UN731390 
Executive Director of UNAIDS Addresses High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS 
6/10/2008 9:28:10 AM 
Unique ID UN7678163 
Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS Briefs Press on World AIDS Day Report 
11/27/2023 2:32:29 PM 
Unique ID UN71014494 
UNAIDS Executive Director Briefs Press on General Assembly Meeting on HIV/AIDS 
6/9/2021 5:29:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7896389 
Noon Briefing Guests: Bertil Lindblad, Director of the New York Office of UNAIDS and Ms. Kim Nichols of UNITAID.
UNAIDS Report Shows Considerable Progress in Fight against Epidemic 
11/21/2011 1:12:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7348793 
Press Conference by Executive Director of UNAIDS 
9/22/2003 9:48:28 AM 
Unique ID UN7776045 
UNAIDS Deputy Director Launches Report on HIV/AIDS 
3/31/2011 2:11:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7373367 
Executive Director of UNAIDS Guest on World Chronicle 
1/16/2004 5:43:53 AM 
Unique ID UN7777495 
Executive Director of UNAIDS Guest on World Chronicle 
1/16/2004 5:42:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7777512 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets with UNAIDS Executive Director, and Ms. Dho Young-shim
Secretary-General Helps Launch New Children's Book on HIV 
5/8/2014 9:02:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7251103 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets with UNAIDS Executive Director, and Ms. Dho Young-shim
Secretary-General Helps Launch New Children's Book on HIV 
5/8/2014 9:01:21 AM 
Unique ID UN7251102 
Headline UNAIDS Executive Director Guest at Noon Briefing 
Caption Description Gunilla Carlsson (right), UNAIDS Executive Director a.i., briefs journalists on the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update and the report on Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS as a guest at the noon briefing. At left is Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. 
Unique Identifier UN734038 
NICA ID 816055 
Production Date 07/23/2019 12:28:14 PM 
City/Location New York

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