Security Council President Briefs Press on Syria
President of Security Council Reads Press Statement after Consultations on Syria 
3/16/2018 1:11:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7111097 
Security Council Meeting
Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
3/12/2018 12:06:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7110567 
Security Council Considers Situation in Sudan and South Sudan
Security Council Considers Situation in Sudan and South Sudan 
3/14/2018 10:04:45 AM 
Unique ID UN7110863 
Security Council Meeting
Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
3/16/2018 10:54:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7111094 
The situation in the Middle East (Syria)
Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
3/12/2018 10:33:33 AM 
Unique ID UN7110538 
Security Council Meeting
Security Council Considers Peace and Security in Africa 
3/22/2018 1:17:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7111857 
The situation in the Middle East (Syria)
Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
3/12/2018 10:12:22 AM 
Unique ID UN7110549 
President of Security Council Briefs Press
Security Council President Briefs Press on Somalia and Eritrea 
3/13/2018 1:12:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7110720 
Press briefing President of the Security Council for the month of March
Security Council President Briefs Press on Programme of Work for March 
3/1/2018 2:16:36 PM 
Unique ID UN7109493 
Press briefing President of the Security Council for the month of March
Security Council President Briefs Press on Programme of Work for March 
3/1/2018 2:20:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7109494 
Security Council meeting on The situation in the Middle East.
Security Council Considers Situation in the Middle East 
3/15/2018 10:18:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7111033 
Security Council Considers Situation in DRC
Security Council Considers Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo 
3/7/2018 4:06:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7109959 
Security Council consultations
Permanent Representative of Netherlands Briefs Press after Consultations on Syria 
10/9/2018 2:54:51 PM 
Unique ID UN763589 
Security Council Meeting
Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
3/12/2018 10:13:31 AM 
Unique ID UN7110532 
Security Council Meeting
Security Council Considers Situation in Democratic Republic of the Congo 
3/19/2018 12:06:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7111168 
PSC Netherlands addresses stakeout
Security Council President Briefs Press 
3/20/2018 11:57:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7111369 
Letter from UK to PSC (S/2018/218)
Security Council Considers Letter from United Kingdom 
3/14/2018 3:25:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7110964 
SC Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 2380 (2017) (S/2018/807)
Briefings by Chairs of Subsidiary Bodies of Security Council 
10/3/2018 10:32:04 AM 
Unique ID UN763128 
SC meeting on the situation in the Middle East including Syria
Security Council Considers Situation in Middle East 
12/20/2018 11:00:54 AM 
Unique ID UN759868 
President of Security Council Read Press Statement After Consultations on UNDOF
Security Council President Reads Press Statement after Consultations on UNDOF 
3/27/2018 5:01:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7112480 
Headline Security Council Considers Situation in Syria 
Caption Description Karel van Oosterom, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for the month of March, chairs the Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria. 
Unique Identifier UN7111057 
NICA ID 754145 
Production Date 03/16/2018 10:10:54 AM 
City/Location New York