Secretary-General interview with La Republica Daily Newspaper
Secretary-General Interviewed by Peruvian Newspaper La República 
12/3/2013 9:02:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7273212 
Secretary-General had Interview  for PBS NewsHour
Secretary-General Gives Interview to PBS NewsHour 
2/19/2015 3:33:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7223812 
Secretary-General had Interview  for PBS NewsHour
Secretary-General Gives Interview to PBS NewsHour 
2/19/2015 3:45:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7223815 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had an Interview with Reuters, Mr. Axel Threlfall, Lead TV anchor.
Secretary-General Interviewed by Reuters TV 
1/24/2013 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7289851 
Secretary-General gave Interview with Mr. Marc Perelman for France 24.
Secretary-General Interviewed by France 24 
6/23/2015 3:28:59 AM 
Unique ID UN7200557 
Secretary-General at an interview with CCTV.
Secretary-General Interviewed by CCTV in Beijing 
9/3/2015 8:22:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7205954 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has an interview.
Secretary-General Gives Interview to Austrian Daily, Die Presse 
11/26/2012 5:50:22 AM 
Unique ID UN7307016 
Secretary-General in an Interview by the Washington Post.
Secretary-General Interviewed by Washington Post 
5/5/2016 11:04:56 AM 
Unique ID UN7167486 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had Interview with Jakarta Post by World News Editor, Ms. Yohanna Ririhena, and News Editor, Mr. Novan Iman Santosa.
Secretary-General Interviewed by Jakarta Post 
3/21/2012 10:26:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7361555 
Secretary-General Prepares for Press Interview in Madrid 
3/18/2011 12:09:39 PM 
Unique ID UN7371934 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has an interview.
Secretary-General Gives Interview to Austrian Daily, Die Presse 
11/26/2012 5:48:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7307015 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in an Interview with CNN.
Secretary-General Interviewed by CNN 
1/24/2013 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7289863 
Secretary-General had a Press Interview with Newspaper “Kronenzeitung”.
Secretary-General is Interviewed by Kronenzeitung 
12/8/2016 4:27:16 AM 
Unique ID UN7133194 
Secretary-General in an Interview with Bloomberg TV.
Secretary-General Interviewed by Bloomberg TV 
10/9/2015 3:48:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7212784 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a Media Interview with Jørgen Steen Nielsen of “Information”
Secetary-General Interviewed by Danish Journalist 
10/23/2013 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7287924 
Secretary-General in an Interview with Bloomberg TV.
Secretary-General Interviewed by Bloomberg TV 
10/9/2015 3:45:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7212783 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has an interview.
Secretary-General Gives Interviews to Austrian Press 
11/26/2012 6:13:29 AM 
Unique ID UN7307017 
Secretary-General at FaceBook Live Interview.
Secretary-General Gives Facebook Live Interview 
5/24/2016 7:54:06 AM 
Unique ID UN7170282 
Secretary-General at FaceBook Live Interview.
Secretary-General Gives Facebook Live Interview 
5/24/2016 7:56:31 AM 
Unique ID UN7170285 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Interview with Ms. Yalda Hakim (Presenter) of BBC
Secretary-General Interviewed by BBC 
1/25/2013 9:36:29 AM 
Unique ID UN7290081 
Headline Secretary-General Interviewed by Financial Times 
Caption Description Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) gives an interview to Shawn Donann, World Trade Editor of the Financial Times. At right is Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. 
Unique Identifier UN7221226 
NICA ID 628793 
Production Date 04/17/2015 10:06:59 AM 
City/Location Washington, D.C.