Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a  Tour by foot of the Old City of Zagreb
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 10:49:27 AM 
Unique ID UN7330570 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a  Tour by foot of the Old City of Zagreb
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 10:47:04 AM 
Unique ID UN7330581 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a visit of the Andrija _tampar School of Public Health.
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 11:01:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7330591 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a visit of the Andrija _tampar School of Public Health.
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 10:57:52 AM 
Unique ID UN7330582 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs Ban had Guided Visit of Brijuni Island.
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/22/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330602 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a Townhall Meeting with UN Staff in Croatia.
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 12:47:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7330574 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban Visit othe city of Pore
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/22/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330588 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban Visit othe city of Pore
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/22/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330587 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and rs. Ban depart Republic of Slovenia.
Secretary-General Visits Slovenia 
7/20/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330577 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon departs  Pula to  Brijuni Islands on a boat.
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 2:49:40 PM 
Unique ID UN7330575 
SG had townhall meeting with UN Staff in Montenegro
Secretary-General Visits Montenegro 
7/23/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330623 
Secretary-General attended Dinner hosted by  H.E. Mr. Ivo Josipović, President of the Republic of Croatia
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 3:42:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7330594 
Secretary-General had a Visit toTea Museum.
Secretary-General Visits China National Tea Museum 
7/9/2016 4:45:16 AM 
Unique ID UN7176398 
Secretary-General attended Dinner hosted by  H.E. Mr. Ivo Josipović, President of the Republic of Croatia
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/20/2012 3:29:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7330593 
Secretary-General had a Visit toTea Museum.
Secretary-General Visits China National Tea Museum 
7/9/2016 4:59:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7176399 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon departs Windhoek, Namibia.
Secretary-General Departs Windhoek 
6/25/2014 5:48:19 AM 
Unique ID UN7252639 
Secretary-General had a Visit toTea Museum.
Secretary-General Visits China National Tea Museum 
7/9/2016 5:11:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7176397 
Secretary-General visit to Exhibition Fair [with Mrs. Ban].
Secretary-General Visits WHS Exhibition Fair 
5/24/2016 4:03:07 AM 
Unique ID UN7170229 
Opening Ceremony of the 59th Pula International Film Festival
Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
7/22/2012 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7330605 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at a Dinner hosted by Expo2015
Secretary-General Meets Italian Foreign Minister at Expo 2015 Event 
5/7/2014 2:13:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7259763 
Headline Secretary-General Visits Croatia 
Caption Description Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (centre) and his wife, Yoo Soon-taek (third from right), take a walking tour of the Old City of Zagreb. 
Unique Identifier UN7330571 
NICA ID 521296 
Production Date 07/20/2012 10:50:02 AM 
City/Location Zagreb
Country Croatia