Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban arriving in Addis Ababa.
Secretary-General and Mrs. Ban Arrive in Addis Ababa 
1/29/2016 7:02:50 AM 
Unique ID UN7194402 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrives in Addis Ababa for Financing For Development Conference.
Secretary-General Arrives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
7/12/2015 7:09:42 AM 
Unique ID UN7202736 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meetings with Foreing Minister of MALI.
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Mali in Addis Ababa 
1/31/2015 3:01:45 AM 
Unique ID UN7248168 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Press Conference before departure.
Press Conference by Secretary-General in Addis Ababa 
7/15/2015 7:57:49 AM 
Unique ID UN7203056 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Press Conference before departure.
Press Conference by Secretary-General in Addis Ababa 
7/15/2015 7:46:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7203053 
Secretary-General Press Conference with Senior Advisers at the AU.
Secretary-General Addresses Press at African Union Summit 
1/31/2016 2:42:10 AM 
Unique ID UN7194575 
Secretary-General Press Conference with Senior Advisers at the AU.
Secretary-General Addresses Press at African Union Summit 
1/31/2016 2:52:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7194578 
Secretary-General Arrives in Ethiopia to Attend AU Summit 
1/29/2011 9:37:57 AM 
Unique ID UN7387183 
Secretary-General Arrives in Ethiopia to Attend the AU Summit 
1/29/2011 9:40:40 AM 
Unique ID UN7387184 
Secretary-General Arrives in Ethiopia to Attend AU Summit 
1/29/2011 9:36:47 AM 
Unique ID UN7387182 
Secretary-General meeting with Second Deputy Speaker, LIBYA
Secretary-General Meets Second Deputy Speaker of Libya 
1/30/2016 11:13:29 AM 
Unique ID UN7194566 
Secretary-General meeting with President of Kenya.
Secretary-General Meets President of Kenya 
1/30/2016 10:04:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7194556 
Secretary-General meeting with Second Vice-President, BURUNDI.
Secretary-General Meets Second Vice-President of Burundi 
1/30/2016 12:15:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7194570 
Secretary-General meeting with President, SOUTH AFRICA
Secretary-General Meets President of South Africa 
1/30/2016 11:47:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7194568 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrive in Addis Ababa
Head of ECA Welcomes Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 
1/26/2013 1:30:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7290158 
Secretary-General meeting with Second Deputy Speaker, LIBYA
Secretary-General Meets Second Deputy Speaker of Libya 
1/30/2016 11:14:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7194560 
Secretary-General meeting with President, MALI
Secretary-General Meets President of Mali 
1/30/2016 9:38:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7194554 
Secretary-General meeting with President, SOMALIA
Secretary-General Meets President of Somalia 
1/31/2016 1:37:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7194584 
Secretary-General meeting with Chairman, Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission
Secretary-General Meets Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission Chairman 
1/30/2016 3:29:26 AM 
Unique ID UN7194563 
Secretary-General meeting with Second Vice-President, BURUNDI.
Secretary-General Meets Second Vice-President of Burundi 
1/30/2016 12:16:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7194571 
Headline Secretary-General Arrives in Addis Ababa 
Caption Description Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrives in Addis Ababa to attend the 26th African Union Summit. 
Unique Identifier UN7194404 
NICA ID 661996 
Production Date 01/29/2016 7:07:28 AM 
City/Location Addis Ababa
Country Ethiopia

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