Projet jeunes à risques à Birao
Youth at Risk Project Supported by MINUSCA 
10/11/2018 3:21:19 PM 
Unique ID UN768990 
Zambia female battalian in Birao
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/10/2018 9:36:17 AM 
Unique ID UN768974 
Zambia female battalian in Birao
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/10/2018 9:49:52 AM 
Unique ID UN768976 
Zambia female battalian in Birao
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/10/2018 9:45:00 AM 
Unique ID UN768975 
Civil-Military Activities with Zambian female peacekeepers
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/12/2018 9:57:20 AM 
Unique ID UN768993 
Civil-Military Activities with Zambian female peacekeepers
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/12/2018 9:40:44 AM 
Unique ID UN768994 
Zambian Peacekeepers Patrol in Central African Republic 
2/5/2020 10:35:34 AM 
Unique ID UN7840401 
Civil-Military Activities with Zambian female peacekeepers
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
10/12/2018 9:30:04 AM 
Unique ID UN768995 
Patrouille FPU IndonŽsienne au PK5
UN Police Serving with MINUSCA Patrol Bangui 
7/29/2019 12:04:19 PM 
Unique ID UN734770 
Civil-Military Activities with Zambian female peacekeepers
Civil-Military Activities with MINUSCA Peacekeepers 
11/21/2018 9:28:29 AM 
Unique ID UN768996 
MINUSCA Gender Advocacy Officer on Field Visit 
5/15/2020 12:04:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7859528 
MINUSCA Gender Advocacy Officer on Field Visit 
5/18/2020 11:00:35 AM 
Unique ID UN7859530 
Escadron de l'armée de l'air de la MINUSCA
Air Force Squadron from Senegal Serving with MINUSCA 
9/5/2018 11:18:23 AM 
Unique ID UN768991 
Escadron de l'armée de l'air de la MINUSCA
Air Force Squadron from Senegal Serving with MINUSCA 
9/10/2018 8:36:59 AM 
Unique ID UN768992 
Celebration the day of the earth in the Central African Republic
Earth Day Celebration in Central African Republic 
4/21/2018 10:09:10 AM 
Unique ID UN779970 
Babacar Gaye returns to Bambari following a conflict between Seleka factions
Head of MINUSCA Travels to Bambari Following Recent Violence 
8/29/2014 6:22:47 AM 
Unique ID UN7227667 
SRSG for MINUSCA and DSRSG for MINUSMA meet ex-Seleka leaders
MINUSCA and MINUSMA Representatives Meet with Ex-Seleka Leaders 
7/16/2014 9:06:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7254513 
Visit to MINUSCA field office camp, in Bangassou. Central African Republic.
MINUSCA Field Office in Bangassou, Central African Republic 
10/21/2017 5:38:59 AM 
Unique ID UN796277 
Youth Peace Week of the 3rd district of the city of Bangui
MINUSCA Organizes Youth Peace Week in Bangui 
1/25/2018 4:21:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7106419 
Youth Peace Week of the 3rd district of the city of Bangui
MINUSCA Organizes Youth Peace Week in Bangui 
1/25/2018 4:09:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7106416 
Headline Youth at Risk Project Supported by MINUSCA 
Caption Description As part of a Youth at Risk Project, 500 young ex-combatants from Birao, located in the prefecture of Vakaga in the north-east of the Central African Republic, received funding from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), allowing them to cultivate 10 hectares of cassava and watermelon fields.
Youth from the neighborhood work the soil. 
Unique Identifier UN768989 
NICA ID 787458 
Production Date 10/11/2018 3:19:40 PM 
City/Location Bangui