France after his speech
Scene from High-level Week at UN 
9/19/2017 1:02:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7159510 
Press conference by Emmanuel Macron, President of France
Press Conference by President of France 
9/19/2017 2:02:10 PM 
Unique ID UN7159492 
Press briefing by H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic of France.
President of France Briefs Press 
9/25/2018 1:27:06 PM 
Unique ID UN777194 
Press briefing by H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic of France.
President of France Briefs Press 
9/25/2018 1:26:11 PM 
Unique ID UN777192 
Opening of GA 72 2017 AM
President of France Addresses Seventy-second General Debate 
9/19/2017 12:29:34 PM 
Unique ID UN7159206 
Summit to Launch the Global Pact for the Environment
Summit to Launch the Global Pact for the Environment 
9/19/2017 4:54:21 PM 
Unique ID UN7159742 
France after his speech
Scene from High-level Week at UN 
9/19/2017 1:04:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7159511 
Behind the scene
President of France Addresses General Assembly 
9/25/2018 12:17:48 PM 
Unique ID UN762261 
Opening of the General Debate of the Seventy-third Session of the United Nations

                        General Assembly including a Moment of Silence for former Secretary-General Kofi A. Anna
President of France Addresses General Assembly 
9/25/2018 12:17:00 PM 
Unique ID UN777155 
Trump speaks at GA
Scene from High-level Week at UN 
9/19/2017 1:00:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7159405 
Informal outside GA 200
Scene from High-level Week at UN 
9/19/2017 1:03:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7159433 
President of France speaks to press
President of France Briefs Press 
9/23/2019 12:11:27 PM 
Unique ID UN732325 
President of France speaks to press
President of France Briefs Press 
9/23/2019 12:03:47 PM 
Unique ID UN732326 
Behind the Scenes
Broadcast Media Gear Up to Cover High-level Week at UN 
9/18/2017 5:01:38 PM 
Unique ID UN7159006 
Behind the Scenes
Scene from Week of UN High-level Meetings 
9/18/2017 3:40:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7159018 
Press Conference by PGA
President of General Assembly Briefs Press 
9/26/2017 4:05:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7162496 
African first ladies event
African First Ladies Event During High-level Week at UN 
9/19/2017 12:09:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7159244 
Out around the UN during the opening day of the General Debate
Scene at UN Headquarters During High-level Week 
9/19/2017 3:17:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7159561 
Behind the Scenes
Press Conference by Prime Minister of Canada 
9/21/2017 2:59:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7161215 
Out around the UN during the opening day of the General Debate
Scene from Opening Day of General Assembly Debate 
9/19/2017 3:21:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7159563 
Headline Press Conference by President of France 
Caption Description Emmanuel Macron (at podium), President of France, addresses a press conference on the margins of the General Assembly’s annual general debate. 
Unique Identifier UN7159515 
NICA ID 733494 
Production Date 09/19/2017 1:54:19 PM 
City/Location New York