Presentation of Credentials by PR, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA to Secretary General.
New Permanent Representative of China Presents Credentials 
1/30/2018 5:25:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7106695 
Permanent Representative of DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA presents his credentials to Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Democratic People's Republic of Korea Presents Credentials 
9/20/2018 1:00:37 PM 
Unique ID UN775298 
Permanent Representative of DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA presents his credentials to Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Democratic People's Republic of Korea Presents Credentials 
9/20/2018 1:25:26 PM 
Unique ID UN775300 
H.E. Mr. Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China
New Permanent Representative of China Presents Credentials 
7/30/2019 11:22:57 AM 
Unique ID UN734620 
H.E. Mr. Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China
New Permanent Representative of China Presents Credentials 
7/30/2019 11:23:36 AM 
Unique ID UN734621 
H.E. Mr. Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China
New Permanent Representative of China Presents Credentials 
7/30/2019 11:22:10 AM 
Unique ID UN734619 
H.E. Mr. MA Zhaoxu    Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
New Permanent Representative of China to UNOG Presents Credentials 
4/6/2016 4:32:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7182120 
Presentation of Credentials to SG by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Awad Binmubarak (PR, REPUBLIC OF YEMEN).
New Permanent Representative of Yemen Presents Credentials 
8/13/2018 11:58:52 AM 
Unique ID UN792187 
Presentation of Credentials to SG by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Awad Binmubarak (PR, REPUBLIC OF YEMEN).
New Permanent Representative of Yemen Presents Credentials 
8/13/2018 11:59:01 AM 
Unique ID UN792189 
Presentation of Credentials
New Permanent Representative of Nicaragua Presents Credentials 
8/31/2018 3:47:37 PM 
Unique ID UN793417 
Presentation of Credentials to SG by H.E. Ms. Maria Angela Zappia (PR, REPUBLIC OF ITALY).
New Permanent Representative of Italy Presents Credentials 
8/13/2018 12:08:54 PM 
Unique ID UN792192 
Presentation of Credentials
New Permanent Representative of Nicaragua Presents Credentials 
8/31/2018 3:48:05 PM 
Unique ID UN793411 
New Permanent Representative of Egypt presents his credentials to the Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Egypt Presents Credentials 
2/28/2018 11:53:03 AM 
Unique ID UN7109390 
Permanent Representative ofREPUBLIC OF LIBERIApresents his credentials to Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Liberia Presents Credentials 
9/20/2018 1:33:47 PM 
Unique ID UN775302 
Presentation of Credentials to SG by H.E. Ms. Maria Angela Zappia (PR, REPUBLIC OF ITALY).
New Permanent Representative of Italy Presents Credentials 
8/13/2018 12:09:04 PM 
Unique ID UN792194 
New Permanent Representative of Panama presents his credentials to the Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Panama Presents Credentials 
2/28/2018 11:45:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7109385 
New Permanent Representative of Egypt presents his credentials to the Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Egypt Presents Credentials 
2/28/2018 11:55:21 AM 
Unique ID UN7109392 
 Permanent Representative of Republic of Madagascarpresents her credentials to the Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Madagascar Presents Credentials 
3/23/2018 3:58:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7112123 
Permanent Representative ofREPUBLIC OF LIBERIApresents his credentials to Secretary-General.
New Permanent Representative of Liberia Presents Credentials 
9/20/2018 1:34:31 PM 
Unique ID UN775303 
Presentation of Credentials
New Permanent Representative of Armenia Presents Credentials 
8/31/2018 3:00:31 PM 
Unique ID UN793410 
Headline New Permanent Representative of China Presents Credentials 
Caption Description Ma Zhaoxu (right), new Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China, presents his credentials to Secretary-General António Guterres. 
Unique Identifier UN7106691 
NICA ID 749741 
Production Date 01/30/2018 5:00:49 PM 
City/Location New York