Press Briefing PR of Indonesia and PSC for the month of May
Press Briefing by President of Security Council for May 
5/1/2019 3:08:33 PM 
Unique ID UN749452 
Press Briefing PR of Indonesia and PSC for the month of May
Press Briefing by President of Security Council for May 
5/1/2019 3:07:50 PM 
Unique ID UN749453 
Press Briefing PR of Indonesia and PSC for the month of May
Press Briefing by President of Security Council for May 
5/1/2019 3:09:54 PM 
Unique ID UN749451 
Press Conference by President of Security Council 
8/3/2020 3:01:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7868816 
Stakeout after sc meeting
Security Council President Briefs Press at End of Month 
4/30/2019 4:59:51 PM 
Unique ID UN749438 
The situation in Libya
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya 
5/21/2019 11:55:54 AM 
Unique ID UN738832 
The situation in Somalia
Security Council Considers Situation in Somalia 
5/22/2019 3:08:13 PM 
Unique ID UN739102 
Press Briefing with Current and Incoming Elected Security Council Members 
12/17/2019 6:47:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7841096 
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya 
5/8/2019 3:05:37 PM 
Unique ID UN737533 
Indonesia, Kuwait and Palestine addresses the press after SC closed consultations on the situation on Middle East.
Permanent Representative of Indonesia Briefs Press after Security Council Consultations on Middle East 
2/6/2019 1:19:40 PM 
Unique ID UN752305 
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya 
5/21/2019 10:08:54 AM 
Unique ID UN738777 
President of Security Council Briefs Press at End of Month 
5/31/2022 1:38:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7938027 
President of Security Council Briefs Press at End of Month 
5/31/2022 1:43:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7938029 
President of Security Council Briefs Press at End of Month 
5/31/2022 1:42:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7938028 
The situation in the Middle East
Security Council Considers Situation in Middle East (Yemen) 
5/15/2019 10:08:01 AM 
Unique ID UN738149 
Press conference (end-of-term) by the Security Council President for the month of July
End-term Press Briefing by Security Council President 
7/31/2017 11:58:04 AM 
Unique ID UN7155852 
Indonesia, Kuwait and Palestine addresses the press after SC closed consultations on the situation on Middle East.
Permanent Representative of Kuwait Briefs Press after Security Council Consultations on Middle East 
2/6/2019 1:26:07 PM 
Unique ID UN752306 
Indonesia, Kuwait and Palestine addresses the press after SC closed consultations on the situation on Middle East.
Permanent Observer of Palestine Briefs Press after Security Council Consultations on Middle East 
2/6/2019 1:20:15 PM 
Unique ID UN752304 
President of Security Council Briefs Press at End of Month 
5/31/2022 1:35:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7938026 
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya
Security Council Considers Situation in Libya 
5/21/2019 10:19:21 AM 
Unique ID UN738780 
Headline President of Security Council Briefs Press at End of Month 
Caption Description A partial view of the Indonesian flag as Dian Triansyah Djani, Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for the month of May, briefs journalists on the Council’s work during the month. 
Unique Identifier UN739890 
NICA ID 809612 
Production Date 05/31/2019 12:32:55 PM 
City/Location New York