
Elliot Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development,
Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development Guest at Noon Briefing 
7/9/2018 12:00:09 PM 
Unique ID UN788865 
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Unique ID UN789350 
Executive Director of UN–Habitat Guest at Noon Briefing 
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Unique ID UN789347 
Noon Briefing Guest USG for DESA.
Noon Briefing Guest USG for DESA. 
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Unique ID UN7154348 
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Unique ID UN7176506 
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Unique ID UN7994304 
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Unique ID UN7994309 
Middle-income countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
High-level Meeting on Challenges in Implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
12/4/2018 9:29:28 AM 
Unique ID UN770109 
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Unique ID UN7944214 
Press Briefing on High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
7/13/2022 1:15:22 PM 
Unique ID UN7944216 
President of ECOSOC Briefs Press on Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
7/5/2022 11:39:20 AM 
Unique ID UN7943450 
Press Briefing by IUFRO on the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Press Briefing by IUFRO on High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
7/11/2018 10:18:27 AM 
Unique ID UN789343 
Noon Briefing Guests President Ecosoc and USG DESA
Press Briefing on ECOSOC High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
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Unique ID UN7176504 
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Unique ID UN7994308 
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Unique ID UN7994306 
ECOSOC Event on the HLPF on Sustainable Development
ECOSOC Briefing on Upcoming High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
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Unique ID UN742947 
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Unique ID UN7994307 
Middle-income countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
High-level Meeting on Challenges in Implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
12/4/2018 9:31:48 AM 
Unique ID UN770111 
Press Briefing by IUFRO on the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Press Briefing by IUFRO on High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
7/11/2018 10:08:35 AM 
Unique ID UN789345 
Press Briefing by IUFRO on the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Press Briefing by IUFRO on High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 
7/11/2018 10:19:11 AM 
Unique ID UN789346 
Headline Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development Guest at Noon Briefing 
Caption Description Elliot Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, briefs press on the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development as a guest at the noon briefing. 
Unique Identifier UN788864 
NICA ID 768305 
Production Date 07/09/2018 12:23:39 PM 
City/Location New York

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