Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 9:12:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7278582 
The United Nations Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 6:23:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7278556 
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers 
4/10/2013 10:57:45 AM 
Unique ID UN7278568 
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 8:03:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7278567 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 7:00:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7278564 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 10:46:21 AM 
Unique ID UN7278576 
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 10:56:34 AM 
Unique ID UN7278584 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 8:14:45 AM 
Unique ID UN7278560 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 8:00:56 AM 
Unique ID UN7278583 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 8:35:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7278579 
Forest Photographer Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 9:52:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7278580 
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 1:25:11 AM 
Unique ID UN7278586 
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes  at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 11:08:02 AM 
Unique ID UN7278571 
Forests Filmmaker Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forests Filmmaker Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 4:04:57 AM 
Unique ID UN7278585 
Forest Heroes Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Heroes Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 2:22:01 AM 
Unique ID UN7278569 
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 10:38:33 AM 
Unique ID UN7278573 
The Forests for People Award Ceremony Celebrates Forest Photographers at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Photographer Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 11:20:52 AM 
Unique ID UN7278574 
Forest Heroes Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Heroes Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 3:12:15 AM 
Unique ID UN7278559 
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Filmmakers Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/10/2013 12:21:21 PM 
Unique ID UN7278570 
Forest Heroes Honoured at the Tenth Session of the UN Forum on Forests
Forest Heroes Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
4/11/2013 1:57:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7278581 
Headline Forest Heroes, Filmmakers and Photographers Are Honoured at Tenth Session of UN Forum on Forests 
Caption Description Jury members present awards to the winners of the ""Forests for People"" Awards in Istanbul, Turkey on 10 April 2013. The winning photograph of Riccardo Gangale of Italy is projected on the screens above the jury memnbers. 
Unique Identifier UN7278575 
NICA ID 558134 
Production Date 04/10/2013 10:44:36 AM 
City/Location Istanbul
Country Turkey