Unique ID UN7ALB50433 
European Union Ambassadors visit El Fasher
Darfur Women at Community-Run SAFE Centre 
10/18/2012 10:57:32 AM 
Unique ID UN7304076 
European Union Ambassadors visit El Fasher
Darfur Women at Community-Run SAFE Centre 
10/18/2012 10:32:03 AM 
Unique ID UN7290727 
WFP fuel-efficient stoves program
WFP Fuel-efficient Stoves Project, North Darfur 
3/4/2014 11:39:59 AM 
Unique ID UN7260615 
Headline Darfur Women at Community-Run SAFE Centre 
Caption Description Women in Sharga, North Darfur, prepare food at the village’s SAFE Centre during a visit from a delegation of European Union ambassadors.
SAFE is a locally-run community project promoted by the World Food Programme (WFP) in which participants produce fuel-efficient stoves for themselves and to sell at market. The stoves reduce the consumption of firewood by about 30% and, as a result, the number of times women must fetch wood. The centre also produces natural firebrick and plant seedlings, maintains an orchard of gum arabic trees, and organizes training for illiterate women. 
Unique Identifier UN7304078 
NICA ID 532485 
Production Date 10/18/2012 10:59:09 AM 
Country Sudan