Deputy Secretary-General meets with Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
5/4/2017 4:46:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7147725 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization and Investments, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization and Investments of Slovak Republic 
7/16/2018 11:15:57 AM 
Unique ID UN789847 
SG with Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Slovak Republic
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovak Republic 
2/4/2019 1:31:14 PM 
Unique ID UN752066 
DSG with H.E. Mrs. Gabriela Matecna (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Slovak Republic 
5/9/2018 11:36:46 AM 
Unique ID UN781467 
SG Meets Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Secretary-General Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia 
2/13/2015 11:03:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7223245 
SG Meets Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Secretary-General Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia 
2/13/2015 11:05:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7223244 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Deputy Foreign Minister, KAZAKHSTAN.
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan 
7/13/2018 2:01:36 PM 
Unique ID UN789761 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, REPUBLIC OF BELARUS.
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus 
1/29/2018 3:58:29 PM 
Unique ID UN7106523 
H.E. Mr. Miroslav Laj?á, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Slovak Foreign Minister 
2/12/2015 4:14:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7223194 
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovak Republic 
2/3/2020 11:22:07 AM 
Unique ID UN7844366 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Deputy Prime Minister, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA.
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia 
4/17/2018 11:31:53 AM 
Unique ID UN778417 
SG meets Slovack Republic Minister for Foreign adn European Affairs
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
1/23/2017 10:42:22 PM 
Unique ID UN7138880 
SG meets Slovack Republic Minister for Foreign adn European Affairs
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
1/23/2017 10:43:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7138881 
The Deputy Secretary-General with H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajèák, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Slovakia
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
4/27/2015 1:30:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7222091 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Minister of Foreign Affairs, GUINEA
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Guinea 
5/17/2018 11:59:51 AM 
Unique ID UN782189 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Minister of Women's Affairs, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA
Deputy Secretary-General Meets Minister of Women's Affairs of Nigeria 
3/11/2019 4:41:22 PM 
Unique ID UN755207 
PGA meets Slovack Republic Minister for Foreign adn European Affairs
President of General Assembly Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
1/23/2017 6:08:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7138875 
Secretary-General meets Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, SLOVAKIA
Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
6/10/2013 12:16:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7300017 
PGA meets Slovack Republic Minister for Foreign adn European Affairs
President of General Assembly Meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
1/23/2017 6:07:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7138871 
Deputy Secretary-General meets Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, FINLAND
Deputy Secretry-General Meets Minister of Foreign Trade of Finland 
1/1/2016 9:03:32 PM 
Unique ID UN725874 
Headline Deputy Secretary-General meets Foreign Minister of Slovakia 
Caption Description Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed (right) meets with Miroslav Lajcák, Foreign Minister of the Slovak Republic. 
Unique Identifier UN733245 
NICA ID 815170 
Production Date 07/16/2019 5:38:23 PM 
City/Location New York