Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Australia Addresses General Assembly 
9/22/2011 12:23:50 AM 
Unique ID UN7341300 
 Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Addresses General Assembly 
9/22/2011 12:42:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7341301 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Spain Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 11:16:36 PM 
Unique ID UN7342378 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Italy Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 11:00:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7342377 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Egypt Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 6:36:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7342285 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Belgium Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 10:28:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7342375 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 10:10:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7342374 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Congo Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 7:25:32 PM 
Unique ID UN7342726 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis Addresses General Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis 
9/24/2011 10:43:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7342376 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 6:50:12 PM 
Unique ID UN7342725 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Central African Republic Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 8:16:32 PM 
Unique ID UN7342729 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 8:28:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7342730 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Marshall Islands Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 7:59:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7342728 
GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session.
Foreign Minister of Syria Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 2:19:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7342654 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of Andorra Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 8:53:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7342742 
GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session.
Foreign Minister of Germany Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 1:56:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7342652 
Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session.
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 4:37:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7342205 
66th General Assembly Session
Foreign Minister of China Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 1:08:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7342537 
GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session.
Foreign Minister of Morocco Addresses General Assembly 
9/26/2011 1:30:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7342651 
GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Prime Minister of Samoa Addresses General Assembly 
9/24/2011 7:55:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7342305 
Headline Foreign Minister of Cmeroon Addresses General Assembly 
Caption Description Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cameroon, addresses the general debate of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly. 
Unique Identifier UN7342379 
NICA ID 488819 
Production Date 09/24/2011 11:38:14 PM 
City/Location New York

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