Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:27:32 AM 
Unique ID UN7150067 
Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:28:33 AM 
Unique ID UN7150068 
Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:11:27 AM 
Unique ID UN7150089 
Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:39:13 AM 
Unique ID UN7150092 
Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:37:35 AM 
Unique ID UN7150091 
Bee Hives come to the North lawn of UN Headquarters in NY
Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
6/1/2017 11:22:55 AM 
Unique ID UN7150066 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 12:49:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7148368 
Peter Thomson, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly working in his office
President of General Assembly at His Desk 
6/8/2017 10:46:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7151525 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 1:00:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7148366 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 12:51:03 PM 
Unique ID UN7148367 
Peter Thomson, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly gets petition at the Stakeholders for climate change
President of General Assembly Starts Second Day of Ocean Conference 
6/6/2017 10:44:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7150754 
Peter Thomson, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly gets petition at the Stakeholders for climate change
President of General Assembly Starts Second Day of Ocean Conference 
6/6/2017 10:45:37 AM 
Unique ID UN7150755 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 1:10:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7148363 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 1:05:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7148364 
General Assembly Seventy-first session, 42nd plenary meeting
Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Co
General Assembly Considers Security Council Reform 
11/7/2016 3:14:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7129637 
Photo opp PGA to Visit Microsoft Exhibition
President of General Assembly Visits Microsoft Exhibit at UN Headquarters 
5/16/2017 1:05:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7148365 
PGA with the Italian Minister for foreign affairs and international cooperation  Angelino Alfana
Assembly President Meets Foreign Minister of Italy 
1/10/2017 11:10:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7138800 
Press Conference by Mr. Peter Thomson, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly
Press Conference by Outgoing Assembly President 
9/8/2017 1:05:32 PM 
Unique ID UN7157617 
swearing in Of 9th SG for the United Nations
Incoming Secretary-General Takes Oath of Office 
12/12/2016 7:08:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7134001 
PGA meets with Mr. Rafael Pardo, Post-Conflict Minister (Colombia)
Assembly President Meets Post-Conflict Minister of Colombia 
1/23/2017 5:06:40 PM 
Unique ID UN7138994 
Headline Beehives Installed on UNHQ Grounds 
Caption Description In an initiative by the Office of the President of the General Assembly, three beehives were installed on the grounds of United Nations headquarters in New York.
Peter Thomson (right), President of the seventy-first session of the General Assembly, takes a taste of honey from one of the beehives. 
Unique Identifier UN7150090 
NICA ID 723988 
Production Date 06/01/2017 11:36:43 AM 
City/Location New York