11th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
Morocco Introduces Draft Resolution on Interaction between UN, National Parliaments and the IPU 
5/29/2012 10:23:05 AM 
Unique ID UN7324678 
11th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
Interaction between UN, National Parliaments and the IPU Considered at General Assembly 
5/29/2012 10:20:48 AM 
Unique ID UN7324679 
11th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
111th Plenary Meeting of the 66th General Assembly 
5/29/2012 10:14:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7324677 
127th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
Draft Resolution on World Summit Outcome Introduced at General Assembly 
9/10/2012 10:32:46 AM 
Unique ID UN7333872 
127th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
Draft Resolution on Eliminating Malaria Introduced at General Assembly 
9/10/2012 10:26:37 AM 
Unique ID UN7333870 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 2:38:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7346642 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 4:03:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7346645 
11th GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
President of Honduras Addresses General Assembly 
9/21/2011 7:25:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7340018 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 2:32:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7346646 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 2:28:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7346641 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 3:25:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7346644 
127th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session
Follow-up to Outcome of Millenium Summit Addressed at General Assembly 
9/10/2012 11:31:47 AM 
Unique ID UN7333887 
45th plenary meeting of the General Assembly 66th session:
General Assembly Launches International Year of Cooperatives 
10/31/2011 2:56:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7346643 
Opening of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Opening of General Debate of Sixty-sixth Session of General Assembly 
9/21/2011 1:04:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7339455 
11th GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
President of Ukraine Addresses General Assembly 
9/21/2011 7:36:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7340019 
GA Plenary Meeting:  Continuation of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
Prime Minister of Israel Addresses General Assembly 
9/23/2011 5:30:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7341803 
General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
President of Brazil Addresses General Assembly 
9/21/2011 1:45:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7339477 
General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
United States President Addresses General Assembly 
9/21/2011 2:13:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7339476 
124th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 66th session.
General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling for End of Violence in Syria 
8/3/2012 11:32:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7331669 
Opening of the General Debate of the 66th General Assembly Session
President of Finland Addresses General Assembly 
9/21/2011 5:38:10 PM 
Unique ID UN7339830 
Headline Japan Introduces Report of the International Criminal Court at General Assembly 
Caption Description Tsuneo Nishida, Permanent Representative of Japan to the UN, introducing the draft resolution on the Report of the International Criminal Court, at the 111th plenary meeting of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly. 
Unique Identifier UN7324698 
NICA ID 515236 
Production Date 05/29/2012 11:42:53 AM 
City/Location New York