U.K. Representative Briefs on Protests and Crackdown in Libya 
2/22/2011 5:50:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7370903 
U.S. Representative Briefs on Protests and Crackdown in Libya 
2/22/2011 5:53:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7370904 
Representative of Libya Speaks to Correspondents on Developments in His Country 
2/22/2011 5:40:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7370900 
Representative of Libya Speaks to Correspondents on Developments in His Country 
2/22/2011 5:42:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7370901 
UN Political Affairs Chief Briefs on Protests and Crackdown in Libya 
2/22/2011 4:36:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7370891 
Permanent Representative of Libya Speaks to Correspondents on Developments in His Country 
2/22/2011 10:04:28 AM 
Unique ID UN7370782 
Council President Briefs Media on Libyan Crisis 
2/25/2011 6:11:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7371412 
Secretary-General Addresses Media on Protests and Crackdown in Libya 
2/21/2011 9:59:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7370786 
Permanent Representative of Libya Speaks to Correspondents on Developments in His Country 
2/22/2011 10:20:10 AM 
Unique ID UN7370783 
Council President Briefs on Situation in Côte d'Ivoire 
2/4/2011 2:08:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7387510 
Secretary-General Discusses Situation in Libya 
2/21/2011 9:44:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7370784 
Council President Calls for Ceasefire in Thailand-Cambodia Border Dispute 
2/14/2011 12:20:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7369842 
Council President Briefs on Guinea-Bissau 
2/25/2011 2:32:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7371358 
Representative of France Briefs Media following Council Meeting on Syria 
4/27/2011 5:23:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7376269 
Representative of South Africa Briefs on Libyan Crisis 
2/25/2011 5:23:50 PM 
Unique ID UN7371415 
Libyan Representative Briefs on Deadly Government Crackdown in His Country 
2/25/2011 4:43:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7371366 
Council President Briefs on February Work Programme 
2/2/2011 2:42:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7387308 
Representative of France Briefs Media on Libyan Crisis 
2/25/2011 6:12:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7371413 
Secretary-General Briefs Media on Crisis in Libya 
2/25/2011 5:21:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7371379 
Council President Briefs on Secretary-General's Trips, Situation in Mideast and North Africa 
4/26/2011 9:39:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7376135 
Headline Council President Briefs on Protests and Crackdown in Libya 
Caption Description Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the UN and President of the Security Council for February, reads a statement on behalf of the Council following consultations on Libya. In the last week mass protests in the country have been met by a violent government crackdown, as the wave of anti-government protests that began last month continues to sweep North Africa and the Middle East. 
Unique Identifier UN7370902 
NICA ID 464247 
Production Date 02/22/2011 5:43:12 PM 
City/Location New York