United Nations Day Celebrations in Geneva 
10/23/1955 11:20:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7498380 
"U.N. Day" In Pakistan 
10/24/1953 5:32:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7435123 
U.N. Day Celebrations in Paraguay 
10/24/1957 9:53:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7491730 
U.N. Day Celebrations in Bogota, Colombia 
10/24/1959 12:50:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7512950 
United Nations Day Celebrations in Liberia 
10/1/1952 10:16:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7489742 
"United Nations Day" 1951 at the Palais des Nations 
10/24/1951 11:00:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7498475 
World-Wide Observance of United Nations Day 
10/26/1956 10:17:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7506752 
United Nations Day Celebrations in Lima, Peru 
10/24/1961 9:54:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7515629 
U.N. Day is Observed in London 
10/26/1956 5:28:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7737790 
U.N. Day Marked in Tabio by Opening of Nutrition Centre 
10/24/1956 10:00:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7508672 
U.N. Day Celebration at U.N. Headquarters 
10/24/1953 9:13:04 PM 
Unique ID UN7486476 
U.N. Day is Observed in London 
10/26/1956 5:19:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7737791 
"U.N. Day" In Pakistan 
10/24/1952 5:32:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7435122 
United Nations Day Celebration in Geneva 
10/23/1955 5:43:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7432970 
United Nations Day is Observed in Bangalore 
10/24/1958 9:44:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7511106 
Mexican Foreign Minister Addresses U.N. 10th Anniversary Session 
6/23/1955 9:33:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7488105 
United Nations Celebrates 23rd Anniversary 
10/24/1968 11:59:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7623666 
Opening of a U.N. Exhibit in Singapore 
10/24/1953 8:02:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7486360 
"United Nations Day" Poster for 1956 
8/1/1956 10:27:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7720845 
Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations 
10/18/1985 1:26:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7421495 
Headline U.N. Day Celebration in Seoul 
Caption Description View of the ceremony held on the steps of the Capitol in Seoul, Korea, in commemoration of United Nations Day. U.N. Day is celebrated each year on 24 October, the anniversary date of the entry into force of the Charter. 
Unique Identifier UN7488740 
NICA ID 340432 
Production Date 10/24/1954 10:00:40 PM 
City/Location Seoul
Credit UN Photo

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