Secretary-General Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
9/24/2008 12:09:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7664109 
UNDP Administrator Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
9/24/2008 12:20:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7664110 
Former US President Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
9/24/2008 2:33:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7664112 
UN Global Compact Office Chief Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
9/24/2008 12:07:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7664107 
World Bank Head Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
9/24/2008 3:20:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7664108 
Secretary-General Meets Activist Bob Geldof at MDG Advocacy Meeting 
9/22/2010 10:10:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7412878 
Activist Addresses Education for All Campaign Launch 
9/25/2008 1:57:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7643484 
Opening of MDG Advocacy Group Meeting 
9/22/2010 10:59:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7412879 
Activist Bob Geldof Visits School in Gaza 
5/30/2011 12:56:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7378752 
Activist Bob Geldof Visits School in Gaza 
5/30/2011 12:54:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7378751 
Activist Bob Geldof Attends Global Fund's "Champions for Health" Event 
9/21/2010 12:13:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7412725 
Virgin Group Founder Addresses Private Sector Forum Event 
9/22/2010 12:32:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7413010 
Activist Bob Geldof Visits School in Gaza 
5/30/2011 12:53:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7378750 
Activist Bob Geldof Visits School in Gaza 
5/30/2011 1:09:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7378753 
ECOSOC Youth Forum on the theme “Youth Engagement in the Transition from the Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals:  What will it take?”
2015 ECOSOC Youth Forum 
2/2/2015 11:56:09 AM 
Unique ID UN7248183 
United Nations Private Sector Forum
United Nations Private Sector Forum 
9/23/2019 1:49:10 PM 
Unique ID UN732403 
situation in the Horn of Africa.
Humanitarian Affairs Chief and Others Update on Horn of Africa Situation 
9/24/2011 8:56:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7342145 
Secretary-General Addresses Private Sector Forum Event 
9/22/2010 12:16:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7413008 
Secretary-General Addresses Private Sector Forum Event 
9/22/2010 12:19:31 PM 
Unique ID UN7413011 
United Nations Private Sector Forum
United Nations Private Sector Forum 
9/23/2019 1:40:03 PM 
Unique ID UN732405 
Headline Activist Addresses Forum on MDGs and Food Sustainability 
Caption Description Bob Geldof, musician, philanthropist and activist, addresses a United Nations Private Sector Forum on the theme: ""The Millennium Development Goals and Food Sustainability."" 
Unique Identifier UN7664111 
NICA ID 196363 
Production Date 09/24/2008 1:06:23 PM 
City/Location New York