Jamaica's Delegation to the 18th Session of the U.N. General Assembly 
10/23/1963 1:55:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7651244 
Governor-General of Jamaica and Lady Campbell Visit UNHQ 
8/2/1967 12:01:07 AM 
Unique ID UN7619290 
Jamaican Team to Empire Games Visits United Nations Headquarters 
11/9/1962 10:13:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7515033 
Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the UN 
3/17/1981 11:42:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7584647 
Fourth Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly 
5/15/1963 7:20:03 PM 
Unique ID UN7650170 
Permanent Representative of Jamaica Presents Credentials 
3/17/1981 11:42:22 PM 
Unique ID UN7584643 
Seventeenth UN General Assembly Opens 
9/18/1962 3:45:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7640893 
17th UN General Assembly Convenes 
9/18/1962 3:45:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7640896 
General Assembly Discusses Question of South Africa’s Racial Policies 
11/6/1962 12:03:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7641915 
Committee on Natural Resources Begins Two-Week Session 
5/18/1981 10:57:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7586980 
Committee Meets to Consider Programme for the International Year for Human Rights 
7/9/1964 9:47:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7516112 
Jamaica Signs Common Fund Agreement 
1/6/1983 8:53:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7592300 
General Assembly Hears Two Final Speakers in General Debate 
1/26/1965 8:17:17 AM 
Unique ID UN7656069 
Committee Meets to Consider Programme for the International Year for Human Rights 
7/9/1964 9:47:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7516117 
General Assembly Admits Four New States to Membership in United Nations 
9/18/1962 3:45:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7640890 
Security Council Continues Consideration of the Situation in Grenada 
10/26/1983 4:16:50 PM 
Unique ID UN7591361 
Ambassador Dimitre Halov, Representative of Bulgaria 
12/20/1955 10:46:50 AM 
Unique ID UN7770201 
Representatives of the USSR to the 12th Session of the U.N. General Assembly 
9/20/1957 10:05:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7491861 
Jamaica Signs UNIDO Constitution 
11/1/1982 10:04:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7589308 
Nicaragua's Chief of State Addresses Latin American Group 
10/7/1981 11:06:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7588068 
Headline Jamaica's Delegation to the 18th Session of the U.N. General Assembly 
Caption Description Ambassador Egerton R. Richardson, Jamaica Permanent Representative to the United Nations, photographed as he arrived in the main foyer of the General Assembly Hall to attend a meeting this morning. 
Unique Identifier UN7651247 
NICA ID 212149 
Production Date 10/23/1963 1:55:33 PM 
City/Location New York