Third Committee Adopts Draft Resolution 
10/17/1975 12:03:48 AM 
Unique ID UN7597421 
Text on Zionism Approved by General Assembly in Series of Actions on Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
11/10/1975 9:09:06 AM 
Unique ID UN7664613 
Text on Zionism Approved by General Assembly in Series of Actions on Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
11/10/1975 11:50:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7597288 
Draft Text on Khmer Rouge Trials Introduced in Third Committee Agreement on Establishing Extraordinary Chambers is Annexed 
5/1/2003 2:41:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7774432 
3rd Committee Adopts Draft Convention on Suppression and Punishment of Crime of Apartheid 
10/26/1973 5:00:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7676248 
UN General Assembly Third Committee Meets with Civil Society 
2/16/2022 3:19:09 PM 
Unique ID UN7922475 
UN General Assembly Third Committee Meets with Civil Society 
2/16/2022 10:11:14 AM 
Unique ID UN7922476 
UN General Assembly Third Committee Meets with Civil Society 
2/16/2022 3:11:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7922472 
Fourth Committee Draft Resolution on Brunei as it Continues Consideration of Smaller Dependent Territories 
11/13/1975 11:51:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7597261 
Fourth Committee Hears Spain, Algeria, Three Petitioners on Spanish Sahara 
11/18/1975 12:06:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7597152 
Special Political and Decolonization Committee Elects Three Officers by Acclamation Defers Election of Third Vice Chairperson to Later Date 
9/29/2003 4:55:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7776599 
Fourth Committee Hears Two Petitioners 
10/28/1975 12:02:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7597440 
Third Formal Meeting of the Fifth Committee Agenda Item 134: Proposed Programme Budget for 2016-2017 (Secretary-General to make remarks)
Fifth Committee Considers UN Budget for 2016-2017 
10/12/2015 11:17:38 AM 
Unique ID UN7213032 
Legal Committee Continues Discussing Law Commission Report and Succession of States in Respect of Treaties 
10/22/1975 5:45:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7676255 
First Committee Begins Consideration of Korean Question; Considers Two Proposals 
10/21/1975 5:47:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7659590 
Special Political and Decolonization Committee Elects Three Officers by Acclamation Defers Election of Third Vice Chairperson to Later Date 
9/29/2003 5:05:49 AM 
Unique ID UN7776750 
First Committee Begins Consideration of Korean Question; Considers Two Proposals 
10/21/1975 9:31:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7662536 
Sixth Committee (Legal) Meets to Elect Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur 
9/29/2003 4:05:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7776659 
Sixth Committee (Legal) Meets to Elect Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur 
9/29/2003 4:25:39 AM 
Unique ID UN7776674 
Sixth Committee Meets on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism 
10/2/2023 10:00:18 AM 
Unique ID UN71006095 
Headline Third Committee Adopts Draft Resolution Equating Zionism with Racism 
Caption Description Delegates looking at the voting board for the result of the roll call vote, as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the General Assembly adopted a draft resolution which would have the Assembly determine ""that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."" 
Unique Identifier UN7664612 
NICA ID 184539 
Production Date 10/17/1975 9:05:22 AM 
City/Location New York