End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 10:12:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7515779 
UN Plebiscite in the Trust Territory of Western Samoa 
5/9/1961 10:10:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7515996 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 3:25:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7638914 
Samoan Official at UN Trusteeship Council 
7/8/1958 9:58:03 PM 
Unique ID UN7470859 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 3:25:10 PM 
Unique ID UN7638913 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 3:25:32 PM 
Unique ID UN7638927 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 3:25:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7638915 
Prime Minister of Western Samoa 
10/18/1961 10:12:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7515778 
General Assembly Hears Statements by Cameroun and Philippines as General Debate Continues 
10/17/1961 3:00:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7638907 
Prime Minister of Western Samoa Presented with Three UN Films 
10/18/1961 10:21:36 PM 
Unique ID UN7495759 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 10:12:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7515777 
Assembly's Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee Hears Petitioner 
10/3/1961 12:14:35 PM 
Unique ID UN7636668 
UN General Assembly's Fourth Committee 
10/3/1961 12:19:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7691004 
Headline End of Trusteeship over Western Samoa Requested in Fourth Committee 
Caption Description Tributes on Western Samoa’s forthcoming independence on 1 January 1962 were paid this afternoon in the General Assembly’s Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee.  The tributes were paid when the Committee took up the question of the future of the trust territory administered by New Zealand.
As he addressed the meeting is Fiame Mataafa Foumuina Mulinu’u II (left at desk), Prime Minister of Western Samoa.  Seated beside him is Ambassador N.A.J. de Voogd, of the Netherlands. 
Unique Identifier UN7638905 
NICA ID 206420 
Production Date 10/12/1961 3:00:53 PM 
City/Location New York

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