Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:45 AM 
Unique ID UN7662415 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:43 AM 
Unique ID UN7662412 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:39 AM 
Unique ID UN7662408 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:47 AM 
Unique ID UN7662417 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:37 AM 
Unique ID UN7662405 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:38 AM 
Unique ID UN7662406 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:44 AM 
Unique ID UN7662414 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7662410 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:46 AM 
Unique ID UN7662416 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:42 AM 
Unique ID UN7662411 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:40 AM 
Unique ID UN7662409 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:43 AM 
Unique ID UN7662413 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:35 AM 
Unique ID UN7662403 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:49 AM 
Unique ID UN7662419 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 5:46:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7659565 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:48 AM 
Unique ID UN7662418 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:51 AM 
Unique ID UN7662420 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 9:30:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7662404 
Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
1/1/1969 5:46:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7659566 
Deep Sea Fishing Training Centre in Pusan, Korea 
10/1/1967 9:00:55 AM 
Unique ID UN7662341 
Headline Extension Services Department in the Medium Industry Bank, Seoul 
Caption Description The Pusan Dyeing Company, Ltd., manufacturers of flocking and corduroy and engaged also in dyeing and finishing, has its costing practice checked by specialists from the Extension Services Department of MIB. From left to right are: Mr. Yoon B.W., Cost Consultant; the Company Cost Accountant (seated); and Mr. Rho C.H., Cost Consultant. [1969] 
Unique Identifier UN7662407 
NICA ID 191785 
Production Date 01/01/1969 9:30:38 AM 
City/Location Seoul
Credit UN Photo