The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at United Nations Headquarters 
11/15/1961 12:41:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7703557 
The Dag Hammerskjold Library Building at UN Headquarters 
1/1/1962 5:08:00 PM 
Unique ID UN7703559 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library at United Nations Headquarters 
11/16/1961 4:42:11 PM 
Unique ID UN7635895 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library 
10/3/1984 4:26:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7635886 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 1:25:12 PM 
Unique ID UN7779361 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library at United Nations Headquarters 
2/1/1962 4:18:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7635899 
New Library Building at United Nations Headquarters 
11/15/1961 2:41:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7770018 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 4:12:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7779372 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 12:38:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7779348 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:36:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7779375 
The Map Room in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library 
5/1/1966 4:25:33 PM 
Unique ID UN7635901 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:43:29 PM 
Unique ID UN7779368 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library 
8/5/1977 12:08:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7769987 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:41:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7779355 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 4:16:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7779366 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:40:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7779287 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:41:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7779359 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:40:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7779357 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 3:43:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7779370 
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library Building at UN Headquarters 
2/1/1962 1:10:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7779356 
Headline The Dag Hammarskjöld Library at United Nations Headquarters 
Caption Description A view of the new Dag Hammarskjöld Library building at United Nations Headquarters, as seen from the north end of the main courtyard. The new Library, built with $6,200,000 grant from the Ford Foundation, is scheduled to be dedicated tomorrow as the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, in memory of the late Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Designed by the firm of Harrison, Abramowitz and Harris, architectural consultants to the United Nations, the new Library building is constructed in white marble, glass and aluminium.  It has six stories and a penthouse, three of the floors lying above ground and three below.  In its overall dimensions, the Library measures 219 feet in length and 83 feet wide.  It will house some 400,000 books, nearly double the present collections on hand at Headquarters. 
Unique Identifier UN7635896 
NICA ID 201231 
Production Date 11/15/1961 4:09:06 PM 
City/Location New York