SG meeting with Dr. Pavel Kabat
Secretary-General Meets Director of IIASA 
10/15/2012 4:53:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7321141 
Secretary-General Visits Research Institiute near Vienna 
9/2/2010 10:32:21 AM 
Unique ID UN7396661 
Secretary-General Visits Research Institiute near Vienna 
9/2/2010 10:50:52 AM 
Unique ID UN7396662 
Opening of 56th Session of Commission on Population and Development 
4/10/2023 9:45:34 AM 
Unique ID UN7980683 
SG with Mr. Michael Møller (Acting Director General, UNOG)
Secretary-General Meets Acting Head of UNOG 
3/28/2014 12:25:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7263251 
High-level Thematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Assembly Debates Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 
4/21/2016 9:02:13 AM 
Unique ID UN7164106 
High-level Thematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Assembly Debates Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 
4/21/2016 10:05:28 AM 
Unique ID UN7164109 
Secretary-General Meets Acting Head of Amnesty International 
5/7/2010 4:08:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7408453 
Secretary-General Meets Acting Head of Renewable Energy Agency 
3/8/2011 4:31:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7388733 
Secretary-General Meets Director of UN System Staff College 
5/17/2007 8:39:42 AM 
Unique ID UN7698234 
Secretary-General Meets IIDEA Operations Director 
3/2/2007 10:33:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7716573 
Secretary-General Meets Acting UNIFEM Executive Director 
10/31/2007 3:31:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7686115 
Secretary-General Meets Director of James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies 
5/10/2010 4:17:10 PM 
Unique ID UN7408628 
Secretary-General meets with Executive Director of UNITAR
Secretary-General Meets Executive Director of UNITAR 
3/10/2016 4:31:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7186840 
Secretary-General Meets Deputy Director of Center for Nonproliferation Studies 
5/10/2010 4:18:10 PM 
Unique ID UN7408629 
SG meeting Mr. Pedro Medrano
Secretary-General Meets Acting Assistant Head of WFP 
3/25/2013 12:41:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7294038 
Secretary-General Meets International Affairs Centre Director 
10/21/2008 12:29:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7637004 
Secretary-General Meets Oxfam Director 
5/1/2007 12:54:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7697103 
Secretary-General Meets UNITAR Executive Director 
4/21/2007 12:00:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7719740 
Secretary-General Meets TERI Director-General 
10/30/2008 5:48:20 AM 
Unique ID UN7648435 
Headline Secretary-General Meets IIASA Acting Director 
Caption Description Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Sten Nilsson, Acting Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 
Unique Identifier UN7636018 
NICA ID 201353 
Production Date 10/13/2008 4:32:25 PM 
City/Location New York