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Electrical Power Development in Philippines
Caption Description
Energy sales in the Philippines have grown at an annual rate of nearly 16% from 1955 to 1965, when they totaled 2.7 billion kilowatt hours. To cope with this increase and provide a margin of reserve capacity, Meralco, the leading power company in the Philippines drew up a long range extension programme providing for the installation of some 1,150,000 kilowatts of new generating capacity and the necessary transmission and distribution works. It is being assisted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank. The IFC investment, consisting of an equity subscription of $4 million and $8 million long term loans, was the largest thus far made by IFC. Meralco has been generating and selling electricity in the Philippines since 1903. Its franchise covers an area of 915 square miles on the island of Luzon and includes the Capital, Manila, with its industrialized surroundings. 65% of the country’s total energy demands are met by Meralco's four generating stations, which have a combined capacity of 494,000 kilowatts. The expenditures up to 1969 involve the addition of a 100,000 kilowatt unit, at Tegen Station and the construction of a new generating station, inland from Manila, on Laguna de Bay, the Gardner Station.
New high tension lines being installed at Fort-Bonifacio, Makati. These lines will link the Gardner-Schneider Station in Muntingulpa, Manila, and all other service areas of Meralco. [January 1969]
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Production Date
01/01/1969 12:04:52 AM
UN Photo/Yutaka Nagata