Assembly’s Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee Hears Petitioner 
10/3/1961 8:36:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7467033 
UN General Assembly's Fourth Committee 
10/3/1961 12:19:23 PM 
Unique ID UN7691004 
10th UN General Assembly: Delegate on the 4th Committee 
10/5/1955 10:33:06 AM 
Unique ID UN7752768 
Fourth Committee Concludes Hearing of Rev. Michael Scott 
11/14/1955 12:03:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7691002 
Committee of 17 Hears Statement by Petitioner from Northern Rhodesia 
4/17/1962 10:23:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7495522 
Fourth Committee Continues Questioning of Petitioner on Conditions in Southern Rhodesia 
10/4/1962 12:01:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7641694 
End of Western Samoan UN Trusteeship Voted Unanimously 
10/18/1961 10:12:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7515777 
Sixteenth Regular Session of General Assembly Meets 
9/20/1961 4:52:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7752642 
End of Trusteeship over Western Samoa Requested in Fourth Committee 
10/12/1961 3:00:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7638905 
Fourth Committee Hears Second Petitioner on Conditions in Southern Rhodesia 
10/5/1962 12:03:25 PM 
Unique ID UN7641753 
Fourth Committee Hears Second Petitioner on Conditions in Southern Rhodesia 
10/5/1962 12:03:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7641749 
Fourth Committee Hears Second Petitioner on Conditions in Southern Rhodesia 
10/5/1962 12:03:20 PM 
Unique ID UN7641750 
Decolonization Committee Hears More Petitioners on East Timor 
10/21/1981 11:05:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7586040 
Fourth Committee Hears Petitioner on Portuguese Territories 
11/1/1971 12:33:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7693237 
Assembly's Fourth Committee Begins Debate on British Cameroons 
9/24/1959 12:12:50 PM 
Unique ID UN7690958 
Representatives Attend General Assembly's Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee 
10/25/1957 12:04:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7752639 
Fourth Committee Hears Petitioner on Conditions in Ruanda-Urundi 
11/17/1958 9:23:32 PM 
Unique ID UN7470041 
Forth Committee Hears East Timor Petitioner 
10/14/1980 10:13:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7543585 
Fourth Committee Hears Petitioners on Decolonization Issues 
10/8/1986 11:44:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7693241 
Committee Hears Two More Petitioners on IFNI and Spanish Sahara 
12/8/1966 5:35:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7690960 
Headline Assembly's Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee Hears Petitioner 
Caption Description A  view of a section of the conference room as the General Assembly's Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee this morning heard a statement by Zuberi M'temvu (centre, at microphone, facing camera), a petitioner who spoke on behalf of the Tanganyika African National Congress. At the desk behind the petitioner are (l. to r.) Mr. Ulvi Lulo (Albania), Vice-Chairman of the Committee; Dr. B. Protitch, UN Under-Secretary for the Department of Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories; and Miss Angle E. Brooks (Liberia), Chairman of the Committee. 
Unique Identifier UN7636668 
NICA ID 202008 
Production Date 10/03/1961 12:14:35 PM 
City/Location New York