President Truman Visits United Nations on "U.N. Day" 
10/24/1950 8:28:40 PM 
Unique ID UN7479369 
Shah of Iran Visits United Nations 
11/21/1949 9:05:38 PM 
Unique ID UN7481179 
Israeli Delegation to Fifth UN General Assembly 
9/20/1950 10:27:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7725153 
Gold Coast Officials Visit UN Headquarters 
6/6/1951 12:17:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7761497 
Fautua of Western Samoa Visits United Nations 
5/22/1953 1:53:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7687800 
Headline Prime Minister of Israel Visits UN Headquarters 
Caption Description Mr. David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, pays an official visit to United Nations Headquarters. This picture was taken in the office of the President of the General Assembly; it shows (left to right) Mr. Arthur Lourie, Deputy Representative of Israel to U.N.; Ambassador Abba S. Eban, Permanent Representative; Ambassador Nasrollah Entezam of Iran, President of the General Assembly; Mr. David Ben-Gurion; Mr. Trygvie Lie, U.N. Secretary-General; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Director of the Division of Trusteeship, and former Acting Mediator in Palestine; Mr. Gideon Rafael, Alternate Representative of Israel to U.N.; and Mr. Moshe Tov, also Alternate Representative. 
Unique Identifier UN7729551 
NICA ID 104047 
Production Date 05/09/1951 1:18:18 PM 
City/Location New York