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Middle East Peace Process at Turning Point Between Recommitment and Descent Into Major Bloodshed, United Nations Envoy Tells Security Council
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Middle East Peace Process at Turning Point Between Recommitment and Descent Into Major Bloodshed, United Nations Envoy Tells Security Council
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Recent terror attacks and extra judicial executions had brought the Middle East peace process to a standstill, and it was now at a turning point between recommitment by Israelis and Palestinians or further descent into major bloodshed, the United Nations senior envoy for the region told the Security Council today. Terje Roed-Larsen, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefing the Council at the outset of an open meeting, said that implementation of the process - known as the Road Map and initiated by the United Nations, European Union, Russian Federation and United States - had never effectively begun, because the original steps had been too slow and incremental and neither Israelis nor Palestinians had addressed the core concerns - terrorism and occupation. ""Bold steps, related to settlements and security"" and involving increased activity by the international community might be necessary to ""jump start"" the process, he said.
Nasser Al-Kidwa (centre), the Permanent Observer for Palestine to the United Nations, speaks with two delegates on the side of today's meeting.
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Production Date
09/15/2003 10:00:43 AM
New York
United States of America
UN Photo/Mark Garten