Secretary-General Briefs Correspondents at UN Headquarters 
4/10/2003 11:14:59 PM 
Unique ID UN7774289 
Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs in Republic of Sudan is a Guest at Today's Noon Briefing 
9/29/2003 11:36:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7776623 
Security Council Stakeout on Liberia 
8/1/2003 7:39:13 PM 
Unique ID UN7775382 
Secretary-General Visits the Netherlands 
11/21/2002 7:31:08 PM 
Unique ID UN7317042 
Daily Press Briefing by Offices of Spokesman for Secretary-General and Spokeswoman for General Assembly President 
9/17/2003 12:55:39 AM 
Unique ID UN7775858 
Secretary-General Briefs Press Upon Arrival at UN Headquarters 
4/29/2003 11:18:28 PM 
Unique ID UN7774404 
5/8/2003 11:34:14 AM 
Unique ID UN7774544 
Secretary-General Undertakes Mission to Resolve Weapons Inspections Crisis with Iraq 
2/22/1998 3:45:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7772242 
Secretary-General Visit Algeria 
12/3/1998 4:34:22 PM 
Unique ID UN7315034 
Secretary-General Briefs Press Upon Arrival at UN Headquarters 
9/15/2003 11:45:12 PM 
Unique ID UN7775903 
Secretary-General Undertakes Mission to Resolve Weapons Inspections Crisis with Iraq 
2/22/1998 3:33:29 PM 
Unique ID UN7772241 
Secretary-General Meets with Senior Advisors in Jordan 
6/21/2003 3:05:07 AM 
Unique ID UN7314846 
Secretary-General Visits African Countries 
3/22/1997 12:04:39 PM 
Unique ID UN7754660 
Press Encounter by Secretary-General on Arrival at UN Headquarters 
10/24/2003 10:50:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7772597 
Secretary-General Visits Europe and Africa 
7/3/2002 10:47:53 AM 
Unique ID UN7313535 
Secretary-General Visits Malaysia 
12/15/1997 3:27:01 PM 
Unique ID UN7772240 
Acting Spokesman for the Secretary-General 
1/15/1997 4:30:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7770633 
Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Guest at Noon Briefing 
9/4/2003 1:41:54 AM 
Unique ID UN7775801 
Secretary-General Visits Colorado on an Official Visit 
10/18/1997 1:00:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7772238 
Press Encounter by Secretary-General on Arrival at UN Headquarters 
10/10/2003 10:26:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7777048 
Headline Secretary-General Briefs Correspondents at UN Headquarters 
Caption Description Secretary-General Kofi Annan briefs correspondents upon arrival to United Nations Headquarter this morning. Fred Eckhard, Spokesman for the Secretary-General is at left. 
Unique Identifier UN7774304 
NICA ID 25381 
Production Date 04/10/2003 11:13:45 PM 
City/Location New York

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