Special Committee on Decolonization Elects New Chairman 
2/11/2004 11:21:33 AM 
Unique ID UN7777932 
Special Committee on Decolonization Elects New Chairman 
2/11/2004 11:15:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7778060 
Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization Holds Meetings in Conakry, Lusaka and Addis Ababa 
4/11/1972 10:27:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7726488 
Decolonization Committee Hears Petitioners on Questions of Three Territories 
8/1/1988 9:14:07 PM 
Unique ID UN7573961 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:59:45 PM 
Unique ID UN7595808 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:46:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7595825 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:59:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7595809 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 8:53:22 AM 
Unique ID UN7540506 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:59:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7595811 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:46:19 PM 
Unique ID UN7629078 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:46:21 PM 
Unique ID UN7629079 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:59:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7595807 
Opening of an exhibit on decolonization and C-24 activities
Opening of Exhibition on Decolonization and Activities of C-24 Committee 
12/16/2016 5:45:55 PM 
Unique ID UN7135289 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 4:53:36 PM 
Unique ID UN7540507 
Special Committee on Decolonization 2023 Session 
6/12/2023 10:26:05 AM 
Unique ID UN7988883 
Opening of an exhibit on decolonization and C-24 activities
Opening of Exhibition on Decolonization and Activities of C-24 Committee 
12/16/2016 5:51:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7135290 
Press Conference by the President of the UN Council for Namibia; The Chairman of the Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization; and the Chairman of the Special Committee on Apartheid 
5/9/1974 7:43:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7594886 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/24/1975 11:46:27 PM 
Unique ID UN7595821 
Opening of an exhibit on decolonization and C-24 activities
Opening of Exhibition on Decolonization and Activities of C-24 Committee 
12/16/2016 5:44:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7135291 
Special Committee of 24 Sends Visiting Mission to Cape Verde 
2/28/1975 11:59:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7595810 
Headline Special Committee on Decolonization Elects New Chairman 
Caption Description While decolonization was a United Nations success story, that story was not yet finished, Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the Special Committee on Decolonization today as it opened its 2004 session, adopting its work programme and electing officers, including its Chairman, Robert Guba Aisi. Describing colonialism as an anachronism in the twenty-first century, the Secretary-General said he hoped that in the year ahead, all administering powers would work with the Special Committee and with the people in the territories under their administration, to seek ways to further the decolonization process. The Special Committee on Decolonization was established by the General Assembly in 1961. It meets annually, hears appointed and elected representatives of Non-Self-Governing Territories and petitioners, dispatches visiting missions to those Territories, and organizes seminars on their political, social, economic and educational situations.
Robert Guba Aisi, Chairman of the Special Committee on Decolonization, addresses today's meeting. 
Unique Identifier UN7778108 
NICA ID 30517 
Production Date 02/11/2004 11:18:14 AM 
City/Location New York