Secretary-General Addresses UN Country Team in India 
4/26/2005 6:37:18 AM 
Unique ID UN7771601 
Secretary-General Meets with UN Country Team in India 
4/26/2005 7:06:44 AM 
Unique ID UN7771600 
Secretary-General Chairs Roundtable on HIV/AIDS 
4/27/2005 9:29:13 AM 
Unique ID UN7771660 
Secretary-General Meets with Indian Minister of External Affairs 
4/27/2005 12:19:15 AM 
Unique ID UN7771651 
Secretary-General Meets with President of India 
4/27/2005 2:41:35 AM 
Unique ID UN7771654 
Secretary-General Meets with Minister of Health of India 
4/27/2005 8:27:20 AM 
Unique ID UN7771661 
Secretary-General Chairs Roundtable on HIV/AIDS 
4/27/2005 7:44:35 AM 
Unique ID UN7771662 
Secretary-General Chairs Roundtable on HIV/AIDS 
4/27/2005 9:13:58 AM 
Unique ID UN7771659 
Secretary-General Visits Memorial Monument to Mahatma Gandhi 
4/27/2005 11:48:46 PM 
Unique ID UN7771652 
Secretary-General Visits Memorial Monument to Mahatma Gandhi 
4/27/2005 11:49:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7771653 
Secretary-General Meets With UN Country Team in Indonesia 
4/25/2005 10:55:39 PM 
Unique ID UN7771544 
Secretary-General Meets with President of Indian National Congress Party 
4/27/2005 7:22:59 AM 
Unique ID UN7771650 
Secretary-General Interacts with People Living with HIV/AIDS 
4/27/2005 8:37:36 AM 
Unique ID UN7771658 
Secretary-General Meets with Opposition Leader of India 
4/27/2005 5:39:29 AM 
Unique ID UN7771656 
4/27/2005 7:51:26 AM 
Unique ID UN7771657 
Secretary-General Meets with Prime Minister of India 
4/27/2005 6:42:20 AM 
Unique ID UN7771655 
Secretary-General and Indian Minister of External Affairs Brief Press in India 
4/25/2005 11:49:25 AM 
Unique ID UN7771599 
SG holds town hall meeting
Secretary-General Holds Town Hall with UN Staff in New Delhi 
4/27/2012 9:50:21 PM 
Unique ID UN7364889 
SG holds town hall meeting
Secretary-General Holds Town Hall with UN Staff in New Delhi 
4/27/2012 9:55:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7364890 
Secretary-General Meets with President of Ghana 
4/23/2005 3:09:08 AM 
Unique ID UN7771533 
Headline Secretary-General Meets with UN Country Team in India 
Caption Description Secretary-General Kofi Annan (centre) addressing staff members of the UN Country Team of India at the UN Office in New Delhi today. 
Unique Identifier UN7771602 
NICA ID 72743 
Production Date 04/26/2005 6:40:28 AM 
City/Location New Delhi
Country India

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