UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 5:44:37 PM 
Unique ID UN7682415 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 12:46:53 PM 
Unique ID UN7682419 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 1:04:12 PM 
Unique ID UN7682421 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 12:30:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7682417 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 12:47:26 PM 
Unique ID UN7682420 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 6:00:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7659313 
UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
12/1/1953 12:49:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7682416 
UNKRA's Help to Korea 
1/1/1955 6:03:57 PM 
Unique ID UN7659536 
Building Construction in Korea 
8/1/1954 6:02:06 PM 
Unique ID UN7659404 
Building Construction in Korea 
8/1/1954 6:02:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7659403 
The Need for Housing in Korea 
1/1/1954 6:01:41 PM 
Unique ID UN7659377 
Building Construction in Korea 
8/1/1954 6:02:03 PM 
Unique ID UN7659401 
UNKRA's Technical Assistance - Fishing Boat Construction 
10/1/1954 6:02:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7659462 
UNKRA Constructs Vocational Training Center in Pusan 
1/1/1954 6:03:15 PM 
Unique ID UN7659486 
Logs for Korea 
8/1/1954 6:02:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7659460 
UNKRA's Help to Korea: Housing 
1/1/1954 6:02:34 PM 
Unique ID UN7659438 
Logs for Korea 
8/1/1954 6:02:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7659455 
UNKRA's Help to Korea 
1/1/1955 6:04:09 PM 
Unique ID UN7659553 
Helping the Koreans to Help Themselves 
1/1/1954 6:00:58 PM 
Unique ID UN7659325 
UNKRA House-Building Programme 
2/1/1957 6:04:47 PM 
Unique ID UN7659676 
Headline UNKRA Helps Reconstruction of Fire-Ravaged Pusan 
Caption Description Even before the disastrous fire which ravaged Pusan had burned itself out, the U.N. Korean Reconstruction Agency offered 5,500,000 board feet of construction lumber suitable for the construction of houses for the tens of thousands of homeless. Later, plans were made to erect modern, permanent housing to replace the homes which burned down, and UNKRA made available 46 of its “Landcrete” machines to help in the reconstruction of the city. The machines, imported from South Africa to aid the Agency's housing program, turn out pressed earth blocks made of a mixture of earth and cement, and can be operated by Korean laborers with a minimum of training. They have been turned over to the army of the Republic of Korea, and technical staff has been provided to assist in the rebuilding.
This picture shows piles of earth blocks turned out by Korean workers with the machines, in the background, houses of the UNKRA-ROK housing project in various stages of construction. [No exact date] 
Unique Identifier UN7682418 
NICA ID 156102 
Production Date 12/01/1953 12:45:53 PM 
Country Korea
Credit UN Photo