Japanese Prosthetic Services are Aided by TAA Expert 
8/1/1956 11:10:12 AM 
Unique ID UN7721367 
Japanese Prosthetic Services are Aided by TAA Expert 
8/1/1956 12:07:35 PM 
Unique ID UN7721370 
Japanese Prosthetic Services are Aided by TAA Expert. 
8/1/1956 8:54:00 AM 
Unique ID UN7721366 
Japanese Prosthetic Services are Aided by TAA Expert. 
8/1/1956 11:57:23 AM 
Unique ID UN7721369 
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Korean Physical Rehabilitation Centre Expands with Aid of UN Women's Guild 
8/1/1956 6:04:36 PM 
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Headline Japanese Prosthetic Services are Aided by TAA Expert 
Caption Description The Physical rehabilitation programmes provided by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) at the request of the Government of Japan, now embrace the development of prosthetics services, under the auspices of the UN Technical Assistance Administration (TAA).
William A. Tosberg (U.S.A.), TAA prosthetics expert, has been sent on a three month mission to Tokyo, where he conducted an extended tour and training courses for prosthetics personnel.
Here Mr. Tosberg gives a discussion and critique of the completed prosthesis. 
Unique Identifier UN7721368 
NICA ID 124449 
Production Date 08/01/1956 8:54:29 AM 
City/Location Tokyo
Country Japan
Credit UN Photo