United States, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Belgium Speak in Assembly General Debate 
10/4/1971 10:27:41 AM 
Unique ID UN7695087 
Delegations Welcome Representatives of China in General Assembly 
11/15/1971 5:02:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7683655 
General Committee Continues Consideration of Assembly Agenda 
9/23/1971 1:31:43 PM 
Unique ID UN7682841 
General Assembly Begins General Debate of Twenty-Seventh Session 
9/25/1972 5:48:16 PM 
Unique ID UN7683677 
General Committee Continues Consideration of Assembly Agenda 
9/23/1971 1:37:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7682842 
General Assembly Opens Its Twenty-Sixth Regular Session; Elects Adam Malik of Indonesia as President 
9/21/1971 1:02:54 PM 
Unique ID UN7682839 
General Debate Opens with Statements by Brazil, India, Iran 
9/27/1971 11:20:40 AM 
Unique ID UN7674832 
General Assembly Opens Its Twenty-Sixth Regular Session; Elects Adam Malik of Indonesia as President 
9/21/1971 1:16:17 PM 
Unique ID UN7682840 
General Assembly Begins Debate on 'Restoration' of Rights of People's Republic of China 
10/18/1971 5:01:05 PM 
Unique ID UN7683654 
Fifth Committee Begins First Reading of 1972 Budget Estimates; Approves Sums for International Court, Hospitality, Income 
10/15/1971 4:33:02 PM 
Unique ID UN7682846 
United States, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Belgium Speak in Assembly General Debate 
10/4/1971 4:12:14 PM 
Unique ID UN7661746 
General Assembly Begins Debate on 'Restoration' of Rights of People's Republic of China 
10/18/1971 5:15:34 PM 
Unique ID UN7683653 
General Assembly Hears Views of Ethiopia, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Cuba And Yemen in The General Debate 
10/12/1971 4:59:51 PM 
Unique ID UN7649030 
Foreign Ministers of Kenya, Sierra Leone, Spain And Dominican Republic Speak in General Debate 
10/1/1971 11:49:48 PM 
Unique ID UN7609918 
Third Committee Hears Statements on East Pakistan Refugees 
11/18/1971 11:23:19 AM 
Unique ID UN7674833 
General Debate Opens with Statements by Brazil, India, Iran 
9/27/1971 11:59:30 PM 
Unique ID UN7610050 
General Assembly Takes up Item Referred by Security Council on India and Pakistan; Foreign Minister of Senegal Speaks on Middle East Situation 
12/7/1971 11:52:30 AM 
Unique ID UN7674838 
Foreign Ministers of Kenya, Sierra Leone, Spain And Dominican Republic Speak in General Debate 
10/1/1971 11:49:49 PM 
Unique ID UN7609917 
Libya, Singapore, Togo and Beylorussia Continues General Debate 
10/11/1971 12:29:44 PM 
Unique ID UN7703336 
General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Aid to Afghanistan General Debate Continues with Statements by Saudi Arabia, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and Afghanistan 
10/11/1971 4:59:56 PM 
Unique ID UN7649031 
Headline United States, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Belgium Speak in Assembly General Debate 
Caption Description The Foreign Minister of four more Member countries - the United States, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Belgium - addressed the General Assembly this morning as it continued the general debate. Thus far, 50 countries have been heard.
Seen here is the delegation of the United States headed by Secretary of State William P. Rogers (left). Seated next to him is George H. Bush, Permanent Representative to the U.N. 
Unique Identifier UN7682843 
NICA ID 156582 
Production Date 10/04/1971 2:14:39 PM 
City/Location New York