What are the technical specifications for the high-resolution digital photos?
As a matter of policy and based on international standards and best practices, UN photos long-term archival formats are stored as TIFF original masters from the camera. High resolution (300 dpi) jpeg formats are available on demand for professional uses upon justification for the use. In such cases, fees may apply. Please refer to the UN Photo Usage Guidelines page on this site for further information on charges and fees.
All UN accessioned (publicly available) photos are provided in JPEG format with various sizes and resolutions, which are listed in the Cortex system download form depending on the user’s permissions. Other formats or higher resolution photos can be requested by sending an email with justification to the Photo Library: photolibrary@un.org or by submitting a Request for Research with detailed justification from our home page: https://dam.media.un.org/
How can I download high-resolution digital photos?
UN Photo DAM allows registered users, including UN staff who need to use UN photos for their official duties, to download standard resolution photos JPEG format, 96 dpi, with UN logo watermark.
Offices that need higher resolution photos without watermark must submit a request to the photolibrary@un.org with a justification of why the non-watermarked high-resolution photos is needed. Each request will be reviewed and vetted by the UN Photo Library before approval. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email.
Why should I register?
By registering with UN Photo, and upon approval of your request, you will be able to download various sizes and high-resolution versions of the photos you selected. Your registration also helps the UN Photo Library to provide better service to its clients and improve its offerings in the future. Registration is free.
What should I do if I forgot my password?
UN staff must use their Unite ID (Azure AD) credentials to access UN Photo DAM system. For questions related to Unite ID, please submit a request using Unite Service Desk (iNeed) ineedservice.un.org.
External users (non-UN staff) who login using the Cortex SSO, please click at the “Forgot Password” link under the “Login” screen and enter the email address you registered with. The system will automatically send you a link to create a new password.
Do I have to pay for the high-resolution digital photos?
UN staff using UN photos for their official duties do not need to pay for the use, but they must justify the request for high resolution images.
For other users, fees may apply, based on the intended use of photos. Please refer to the UN Photos Usage Guidelines page on this site for further information on charges and fees.
How do I pay if there are charges?
The e-commerce feature of UN Photo DAM is still under configuration and test. Professional commercial users who need to pay for licensing will be invoiced according to the number of assets licensed. Please contact the Photo Library photolibrary@un.org for further information.
I am a UN staff member but I also registered with a personal/external account. May I have the same access/features granted to my UN account, into my external account?
A: No. Internal (UN staff) and external (non-UN staff) clients belong to different users groups with specific permissions and use distinct login systems. Therefore, the access and permission policies differ slightly. Any specific request for customized photo standards, sizes and resolutions may be requested on demand. Please contact the Photo Library photolibrary@un.org for further information.
Where are the Permission and Invoice forms for my request?
Clients who need to pay for the license of UN photos will be invoiced according to the number of assets licensed. The license agreement for signature will be send by e-mail and counter-signed upon clearance of due payment. Please contact the Photo Library photolibrary@un.org for further information.
What are UN photo reference numbers?
All UN photos are assigned unique identifying reference numbers. The number starts with a UN + integer number i.e. UN7821909. The number can be found on the left fields of the Overview Tab of the selected asset. When requesting specific photos via email or using the Request form, users are asked to provide the photo(s) reference number(s).
How do I request a photo that is unavailable on the UN photo website?
Contact the Photo Library photolibrary@un.org. Indicate photo reference number(s) if available, or give as much information as possible - dates, personal names, events, topics, etc. to help the photo research process.
How do I report problems on the web site?
UN staff can report problems by contacting the UN Photo DAM Support Team at dgc-photoinfo@un.org or submit a service request or incident via Unite Service Desk (iNeed).
External users may report problems by contacting the Photo Library photolibrary@un.org.
Do you provide UN Logos and UN Maps?
The Photo Library cannot provide UN logos and/or UN maps or issue permission for their use. For information on UN logo and Maps see: https://research.un.org/en/maps
Where do I find information regarding employment with the United Nations?
The Photo Library does not answer inquiries regarding employment with the United Nations. For vacancies at the UN, including in photo related fields, see https://careers.un.org/lbw/Home.aspx.
How do I contact the Photo Library?
If you need to contact the Photo Library, please send an e-mail to photolibrary@un.org.
UN Photo Library
Department of Global Communications
402 East 42nd Street, United Nations, S-11, New York, NY 10017, USA